This page provides links to recommended
Bible versions and Study Bibles available from Amazon.
Bible Versions
The Bible versions below are discussed in depth at Bible Versions Controversy and in the book Differences Between Bible Versions.
Analytical-Literal Translation
of the Old Testament - The Analytical-Literal Translation
of the Old Testament (ALT: OT) is available in five volumes. Most Old
Testaments are based on the Hebrew text. But this Old Testament is based on the
Greek Septuagint (LXX). The LXX is a third century B.C. Greek translation of the
Hebrew Bible. The importance of the LXX is that it
was THE Bible of the early Church. The purpose of the ALT: OT is to provide a
translation of the Greek Septuagint that will enable the reader to come as close
to the Greek text as possible without having to be proficient in Greek.
Analytical-Literal Translation
of the New Testament -
Analytical-Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (ALT) is the only
New Testament that is a literal translation of the second edition of the
Byzantine Majority Greek Text, brings out nuances of the Greek text, and
includes study aids within the text. It promotes understanding of what the New
Testament writers originally wrote. No other English translation gets as close
to the original text as the ALT. It is truly the ideal version for the serious
student of the Bible.
King James Version
- After almost 400 years, still the favorite Bible version of millions.
The preceding link is to the Nelson Reference Bible,
black, bonded-leather edition, with thumb-index, cross-references, and a
min-concordance. Amazon has
over 60,000editions
of the KJV available. Based on the Textus Receptus. Kindle edition.
New King James Version
- The NKJV has long been this writer's preferred version of the Bible. It
provides a good balance of accuracy and readability.
The preceding link is to a Reference Bible. Amazon almost 13,000 editions of the NKJV available. Based on the Textus Receptus, but with
footnotes indicating significant variants with the Critical Text and Majority
Text. Kindle edition.
World English Bible
The WEB is one of only a few versions based on the Majority Text (another being
the above ALT). The WEB is basically a formal equivalence versions, though it
does tend towards dynamic equivalence. But overall it is a very accurate and
easy to read version. Kindle edition.
Young's Literal Translation
- The first literal translation of the Bible in English. Translated in
the late 1800's by
Robert Young, who also prepared Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible
Based on the Textus Receptus. Kindle edition
Study Bibles
Christian Life Bible
- Ideal for those new to the Bible. Contains simple outlines to introduce the
new believer or seeker to the basic doctrines of the Bible.
NKJV Study Bible
- 15,000 expository study notes, 100 In-Depth articles, 350 Word Focus word
studies, maps, charts, timelines, concordance, and other helps. The notes
present different viewpoints, but they favor a Reformed-Baptist perspective. A
very helpful and reliable study Bible. Kindle edition.
Open Bible, NKJV
- Book introductions and outlines. Full page study aids scattered throughout.
Cross references, a mini-concordance, and other aids in the back. The preceding link is to the NKJV,
blue, bonded-leather edition. Also available
in a variety of other versions, colors, and bindings.
Reformation Study Bible
- (Formerly the New Geneva Study Bible
). A truly Reformed Study Bible. Extensive study notes one each page. Book
introductions and outlines at the beginning of each Bible book. Charts, graphs,
and discussions of theological concepts on appropriate pages. Mini-concordance
and maps in the back. A truly helpful and reliable study Bible.
Thompson Chain Reference Bible: NKJV
The reference chains in Thompson's enable topical studies of the Bible
to be done.
When available, I have linked to bonded-leather editions of the above Bibles. By personal experience I have found that this type of binding provides a good balance between price and durability. Genuine leather bindings will last longer, but they are considerably more expensive. Hardcover bindings are less expensive, but they tend to fall apart with as much as a Bible should be used.
If you order one or or more of these products and decide to order again at a later time, the only way this ministry gets "credit" for your subsequent purchases is if you go to Amazon's site by first coming here and clicking on one of the links on this site. So please return here before ordering a second time!
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