Amazon Christian Books Recommendations
This page provides links to recommended
books on theology available from Amazon.
Christian in Complete Armour
- By William Gurnall. Extended commentary on Ephesians 6:10-20. Excellent treatment of spiritual warfare and very devotional
in nature. Kindle edition.
Comfort for Christians
- A.W. Pink. Explains the
reasons Christians can have comfort in the face of difficulties and tragedies. Many other books by
Pink are available, and all are recommended. Kindle edition.
Decision Making and the Will of God
- By Garry Friesen. A Biblical Alternative to the Traditional View.
Carefully examines the major views presented today, and rejects them to propose
a different one--one he believes more accurately reflects the biblical teaching.
And this writer totally agrees with Friesen. Kindle edition.
God Transcendent
- By J. Gresham Machen. Excellent
treatise on the "otherness" of God and how this affects our relationship to Him. Many other books by
Machen are available, and all are recommended.
New Worship: Straight Talk on Music and the Church
- By Barry Liesch. A comprehensive overview of traditional and contemporary
worship music. Provides advice for resolving musical style preferences, answers
hard questions, gives stimulating ideas for worship, and much more. Kindle edition.
Power of Commitment
- How Ordinary People Can Make an
Extraordinary Impact on the World. By Jerry White. This book offers sound
biblical counsel for making lasting commitments in your spiritual life, personal
disciplines and relationships. If you want your life to make a difference, this
book will strengthen your ability to commit to what is truly important.
Problem of Pain/a Grief Observed
- By C.S. Lewis. Reading these two books together makes for an
interesting study. The former is Lewis' intellectual study of the subject. The
latter was written by Lewis after the death of his wife. It is a very poignant and honest expression of grief induced doubts everyone. This book
has helped many deal with their own losses. Reading these two books together
will show how Lewis's intellectual ideas held up under real pain.
Soul-Winning Classics
- Contains sermons
by C.H. Spurgeon, Thomas D. Boston, Thomas Goodwin, and many other Reformed
Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts
- by Jerry
Bridges. One of the best books this writer has read. Bridges contends that as
you begin to explore the scope of God's power over nations, nature, and the
detailed lives of individuals, you'll begin to acknowledge His loving control.
And as you come to know Him better, you'll find yourself trusting Him more
completely. Many other books by Bridges are available, and all are recommended.
Kindle edition.
Wycliffe Dictionary of Christian Ethics
- By Carl F.
H. Henry. An analysis of over 700 contemporary issues, people, and terms.
Please note: If you order one or or more of these products and decide to order again at a later time, the only way this ministry gets "credit" for your subsequent purchases is if you go to Amazon's site by first coming here and clicking on one of the links on this site. So please return here before ordering a second time!
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