Amazon Christian Books Recommendations
This page provides links to recommended
books on Church history available from Amazon.
Apostolic Fathers: Greek Texts and English Translations
- The earliest post-New Testament
writings. in both Greek and English. Also the Apostolic Fathers in English
and the Kindle edition.
Church History in Plain Language
- By Bruce Shelley,
one of this writer's seminary professors. A very good and understandable introduction
to Church history. In this new and updated edition, contemporary phenomena such
as the Religious Right, mega-churches, and user-friendly worship services are
explored, along with some leading personalities behind these movements. Kindle edition.
See also
Shelley's book By What Authority: The Standards of Truth in the Early Church
Classical Readings in Christian Apologetics
- Edit by
L. Russ Bush. Christians have always been called on to defend their
beliefs--certainly no less today than at any other time in history. In this book
the outstanding apologists of previous centuries become models, both in the
content of their writing and their methodology, for Christians today.
Creeds of Christendom
- Philip Schaff, author of the
standard 8 volume History Of The Christian Church, assembles all of the major
Christian creedal statements from the early church to today. There is nothing in
print as complete as Creeds Of Christendom.
Creeds of the Churches
- By John Haddon Leith. , Third Edition: A Reader in Christian Doctrine
from the Bible to the Present. "An excellent compendium of Christian
creeds. Especially valuable are the informative notes and comments by the editor
which introduce both creedal sections and individual creeds." (Presbyterian
Journal). A very helpful volume. Less comprehensive than Schaff's work, but less
expensive as well.
Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History: Complete and Unabridged
- Written in the
fourth century. Very important primary source for studying church history. Includes
numerous quotations from earlier writers, who would have been unknown if it were
not for Eusebius classic history.
Handbook of Denominations in the United States
- By Frank Mead, et. al.. An excellent resource to have on
hand. Provides statistics on each denomination, such as the number of members
and congregations, along their histories and a summary of their theology. Kindle edition.
History of the Christian Church, 8 vols.
- By Philip Schaff. The full text of this classic church history. Covers
for the apostles to the Reformation. Kindle edition.
History of Christian Doctrines
- By Louis Berkhof. Discusses the way Christian doctrine has developed
over the centuries. Kindle edition.
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: First Series (The Early Church Fathers, First Series)
- Edited by Philip
Schaff. The definitive collection of the writings of the Church Fathers. Kindle edition.
Three Treatises
- By Martin Luther. Contains To the
Christian Nobility of the German Nation, The Babylonian Captivity of the
Church, and The Freedom of a Christian. Three reading three treatise
is essential in understanding the reasons and motivations for the Reformation. Kindle edition.
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