This page provides links to recommended
Bible commentaries available from Amazon.
Believer's Bible Commentary
- Written for people from
every walk of life, the Believer's Bible Commentary is clear and understandable
enough for everyday use--turning complicated theology into practical
understanding. Yet it also provides plenty of resource material for more
advanced students, as well as for preachers, teachers, and writers.
Bethany Parallel Commentary on the Old Testament
- This parallel commentary, prepared from the condensed editions of the
Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, and Jamieson/Fausset/Brown works, provides
background, word definitions, and inspirational insights and opinions of all
passages. An excellent way to compare three different viewpoints on Scripture
Bethany Parallel Commentary on the New Testament
- Highly regarded in evangelical circles for more than a century,
commentaries on the New Testament by Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, and JFB are
here presented side-by-side for easy reference and comparison.
Calvins Commentaries (22 Volume Set)
- John Calvin's commentary is the best commentary set available. His
explanations of passages are extensive but reasonably easy to understand and are
generally theologically sound. The preceding link is to the unabridged 22 volume
edition for the entire Bible. Kindle edition.
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
- An excellent commentary from a Reformed perspective. The preceding link is to
the unabridged, six volume edition. Kindle edition.
Keil and Delitzch's Commentary on the Old Testament
- 10 volumes. Excellent, in-depth commentary. Some knowledge of Hebrew
required. Kindle edition.
Matthew Henry's Commentary on The Whole Bible In One Volume
- The best devotional commentary available. This version is a complete and
unabridged one volume edition of Matthew Henry's famous work. Includes the
entire text of Matthew Henry's original multi-volume commentary. Also available in various other
editions. Kindle edition.
Treasury of David (3 Volumes Set)
- C.H. Spurgeon's magnum opus on the Psalms. The editor, David Otis
Fuller, describes it as 'the whole realm of Christian truth.' All of the great
doctrines of God's Word are dealt with by the masterminds of nearly every age
since the first coming of Christ. I am currently reading this, and it is
excellent. Very uplifting. Kindle edition.
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