Amazon Christian Books Recommendations
This page provides links to recommended
books on reformed theology available from Amazon.
Chosen by God
- By R.C. Sproul. A scriptural, understandable explanation of the
classic doctrine of predestination. An excellent introduction to this important doctrine.
Many other books by Sproul are also available. Kindle edition.
Complete Works of John Owen, 16 Volume Set
- The writings of John Owen are rather difficult reading, but worth the
effort to understand. His arguments are sound, and he covers every possible
angle and objection. Abridged versions of
individual works by Owen are also available, such as The Essential Works Of John Owen, Kindle edition.
Concerning the Eternal Predestination of God
- By John Calvin. Definitive proof of the doctrine of predestination,
from a "high-Calvinism" or supralapsarian viewpoint. Kindle edition.
Forgotten Spurgeon
- By Iain H. Murray. Details C. H.
Spurgeon's often ignored Calvinist teachings.
Jonathan Edwards Reader
- A good introduction to this great American preacher. Many other books
by Edwards are also available. Kindle edition.
On the Bondage of the Will
- By Martin Luther. Fundamental to an understanding of the primary
doctrine of the reformation. In these pages, Luther gives extensive treatment to
what he saw as the heart of the gospel. Kindle edition.
- The Combined
Edition of Biblical Predestination and Predestination in the Old Testament. By Gordon H. Clark. Explanation
and Biblical proofs of this important doctrine.
Sovereignty of God
- By Arthur W. Pink. This book has convinced many of that the reformed
viewpoint of God's sovereignty is the only Biblical view. Many other books by
A.W. Pink are also available. All are excellent. Kindle edition.
What Do Presbyterians Believe?
- By Gordon H. Clark. A commentary on the Westminster Confession.
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