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Full Workout Log

Starting 2/17/08


Weeks 6 - 10 of 10

By Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from: Full Workout Logs: Starting 1/13/08: Off-Season; Weeks 1 - 5 of 10.

Next contest: NASA Northeastern States Championships in Washington, PA on June 7, 2008. For details, see Possible next contest/ going “unequipped”.

Weight Class: 114s or 123s.

Divisions: Unequipped/ Masters (40-49) Pure: Lifetime Anabolic Steroid Free.

Warm-ups are in brackets. All weights are in pounds. Format: pounds/reps.
Workout times includes set-up, warm-up, lifting, cardio, and clean-up.

Week Six


Off-season/ Week 6 of 10

Sunday – 2/17/08

Reverse Band Benches (light #3 bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[45/15, add bands: 115/10, 140/6, 165/3] 180/6, 187/5, 195/4

DB Rows (elbows out): [30/8, 42/4] 52/7, 55/6, 57/5

Rotator Cuff (sitting, side): 11/12, 11/12

Heavy Bag: 6:00

Workout time: 1:06



Off-season/ Week 6 of 10

Monday – 2/18/08 (President’s Day)

Chain Deadlifts (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds):

[55/15, 145/10, add chains: 145/6, 210/3] 235/6, 250/5, 265/4

Sitting DB Calves: [40/10] 55/12, 60/12

Twisting sit-ups (reps to each side): 12, 9

Jump Rope: 4:15

Workout time: 1:08

On the chain DLs, I used the same weights as I did last time, but did one more rep on each set. And they felt easier than last time. So my plan of alternating chain DLs one week with GMs + shrugs the next week seems to be working. One little problem though, I noticed that my palms hurt some. Maybe they are not being toughened up quite as much with only pulling every other week. But otherwise, a very good workout.

It also helps that I have my contest plans figured out. As I’ve posted before, it gives me more of an incentive to train to know when my next contest will be.


Bench Assistance

Off-season/ Week 6 of 10

Wednesday – 2/20/08

Dips: [bwt./10, 25/8, 40/6, 50/3] 60/7, 65/6, 70/5

Lat. Pulldowns (medium grip): [60/8, 90/6] 100/8, 105/6, 105/6

DB Wrist Curls [15/10] 18/12, 18/12

Rotator Cuff (lying, in): [10/12] 12/12, 12/12

Workout time: 1:04

This is actual a rather weird workout. It is probably the first time since I started lifting again that I have a workout where I don’t use a barbell. But it is my “off-season,” so I wanted something different.



Off-season/ Week 6 of 10

Thursday – 2/21/08

Reverse Band Squats (average #4 bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is virtually not tension at the top of the lift):

[55/15, add bands: 195/10, 240/6, 285/3] 315/6, 330/5, 345/4

Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 25, 22

Step ups: 5:45

Workout time: 1:01

Week Seven


Off-season/ Week 7 of 10

Sunday – 2/24/08

DB Benches: [20s/15, 30s/10, 40s/6, 47s/3] 55s/7, 57s/6, 60s/5

Curl Bar Rows: [55/8, 80/4] 95/7, 100/6, 105/5

Rotator Cuff (Lying on side): 9/12, 9/12

Heavy Bag: 5:30

Workout time: 1:08

My form wasn’t the greatest the last time I did this workout for DB benches and CB rows, so I dropped the weights slightly this time. And my form was much better, so a good workout.



Off-season/ Week 7 of 10

Monday – 2/25/08

Good Mornings: [45/15, 75/10, 100/6, 125/3] 140/7, 147/6, 155/5

BB Shrugs: [145/8, 180/4] 200/8, 210/7, 220/6

Crunches: 50/14, 50/15

Jump Rope: 4:30

Workout time: 1:06


Bench Assistance

Off-season/ Week 7 of 10

Wednesday – 2/27/08

Overhead Presses: [DBs: 10s/15, BB: 45/10, 60/6, 75/3] 85/7, 90/6, 95/4

Lat. Pulldowns (wide grip): [60/8, 90/4] 100/7, 100/7, 105/5

Reverse Curl Bar Curls [45/10] 57/8, 57/8

Rotator Cuff (lying, down): 11/12, 11/12

Workout time: 1:02



Off-season/ Week 7 of 10

Friday – 2/29/08

Manta Ray Squats: [55/15, 125/10, 170/6, 215/3] 240/7, 250/6, 260/4

Standing BB Calves: [125/12] 140/12, 140/12

Dip Bar Reverse Crunches: 16, 16

Step ups: 6:00

Workout time: 1:06

Week Eight


Off-season/ Week 8 of 10

Sunday – 3/2/08

Reverse Band Benches (light #3 bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[45/15, add bands: 115/10, 140/6, 165/3] 185/6, 192/5, 200/4

DB Rows (elbows out): [35/8, 45/4] 55/7, 57/6, 60/5

Rotator Cuff (sitting, side): 12/12, 12/12

Heavy Bag: 6:00

Workout time: 1:11



Off-season/ Week 8 of 10

Monday – 3/3/08

Chain Deadlifts (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds):

[55/15, 145/10, add chains: 145/6, 215/3] 242/6, 257/5, 272/4

Sitting DB Calves: [40/10] 65/12, 65/12

Twisting sit-ups (reps to each side): 12, 9

Jump Rope: 4:45

Workout time: 1:14


Bench Assistance

Off-season/ Week 8 of 10

Wednesday – 3/5/08

Dips: [bwt./10, 25/6, 40/5, 55/3] 65/7, 70/6, 75/5

Lat. Pulldowns (medium grip): [60/8, 85/4] 100/8, 105/7, 110/6

DB Wrist Curls [15/10] 19/12, 19/10

Rotator Cuff (lying, in): 13/12, 13/12

Workout time: 1:03



Off-season/ Week 8 of 10

Thursday – 3/6/08

Reverse Band Squats (average #4 bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is virtually not tension at the top of the lift):

[55/15, add bands: 195/10, 245/6, 295/3] 325/6, 335/5, 345/5

Bicycle Abs (reps to each side): 25, 25

Step ups: 6:00

Workout time: 1:05

The last set of RB squats was supposed to be only four reps, but I cut the first two reps a tad too high. So I did an extra rep and really sunk it to make up for it. And with that, a good workout.

Week Nine


Off-season/ Week 9 of 10

Sunday – 3/9/08

DB Benches: [20s/15, 30s/10, 40s/6, 50s/3] 57s/7, 60s/6, 62s/4

Curl Bar Rows: [60/8, 85/4] 97/7, 102/6, 107/5

Rotator Cuff (Lying on side): 10/12, 10/12

Heavy Bag: 6:00

Workout time: 1:09



Off-season/ Week 9 of 10

Monday – 3/10/08

Good Mornings: [45/15, 75/10, 105/6, 130/3] 145/7, 152/6, 160/6

BB Shrugs: [145/8, 185/4] 205/8, 215/8, 225/7

Crunches: 50/20, 50/20

Jump Rope: 5:00

Workout time: 1:02

I was very tired for this workout as I didn’t sleep well the night before. But somehow, the workout went very well. I even did a couple of “extra” reps on GMs and shrugs and got done in a quick time.


Bench Assistance

Off-season/ Week 9 of 10

Wednesday – 3/12/08

Overhead Presses: [DBs: 10s/15, BB: 45/10, 60/6, 75/3] 87/7, 92/5, 97/4

Lat. Pulldowns (wide grip): [60/8, 90/4] 100/8, 105/5, 105/5

Reverse Curl Bar Curls [45/10] 57/8, 57/8

Rotator Cuff (lying, down): 12/12, 12/12

Workout time: 0:59



Off-season/ Week 9 of 10

Thursday – 3/13/08

Manta Ray Squats: [55/15, 125/10, 175/6, 220/3] 245/7, 255/6, 265/5

Standing BB Calves: [125/12] 145/13, 145/13

Dip Bar Reverse Crunches: 20, 16

Step ups: 6:00

Workout time: 1:13

The workout time is a little meaningless. When I was taking the equipment that I store inside my power rack out at the start of my workout, I cut my finger and hand on paint peeling off of my dumbbells. So I had to take the time to wash and bandage it. But then the blood seeped through the bandages, so I had to re-bandage it. And I got blood on my bar, my power rack, my clothes, and my shoes. What a mess for what was actually just a couple of small cuts.

But despite the distraction, a good workout. And note, even though this is marked as “Off-season/ Week 9 of 10” this was actually my last off-season squat workout. Counting out the weeks, to get in the full ten weeks for my “in-season” I need to start my in-season with my next squat workout.


Week Ten


Off-season/ Week 10 of 10

Sunday – 3/16/08

Reverse Band Benches (light #3 bands choked around the top of my power rack, set so there is very little tension at the top of the lift):

[45/15, add bands: 115/10, 145/6, 170/3] 190/6, 197/5, 210/3

DB Rows (elbows out): [40/8, 50/4] 57/7, 60/6, 60/6

Rotator Cuff (sitting, side): 13/12, 13/12

Heavy Bag: 6:00

Workout time: 1:13

A few more minor problems.

First, the last set of RB benches was supposed to be 205/4. But I mis-loaded the bar, putting a 10 on one side when it was supposed to be a 5. I could tell there was a problem on the first rep, but I was so psyched up for the set, I didn’t want to stop it, especially since my all-time favorite song was playing (“King of Kings” by Barren Cross). But still, a triple with it was rather good, especially since the “extra” 5 pounds was on the side of my weak shoulder.

Second, the final set of DB rows was supposed to be 62/5, but I forgot to change the weights after the second set, so I just repeated it.

Finally, I use a timer for the heavy bag work. When I was putting it on a shelf behind my platform, I knocked a bunch of boxes down, so I had to pick them up. Then I couldn’t find the timer! After a couple of minutes looking for it, I found it “hiding” in an opened package of TP! Such is the problems of having a cramped home gym.

But despite the problems, another good workout.


St. Patrick’s Day Deadlifts

Off-season/ Week 10 of 10

Monday – 3/17/08

Chain Deadlifts (chain set-up weighs about 90 pounds):

[55/15, 145/10, add chains: 145/6, 225/3] 250/6, 265/5, 280/4

Sitting DB Calves: [50/10] 70/12, 70/12

Twisting sit-ups (reps to each side): 12, 9

Jump Rope: 5:15

Workout time: 1:13


Bench Assistance/ Last Workout of Off-Season

Off-season/ Week 10 of 10

Wednesday – 3/19/08

Dips: [bwt./10, 25/6, 40/5, 55/3] 70/7, 75/6, 80/5

Lat. Pulldowns (medium grip): [60/8, 90/4] 105/8, 110/6, 110/5

DB Wrist Curls [17/10] 20/12, 20/10

Rotator Cuff (lying, in): 15/12, 15/12

Workout time: 1:04

Another sleepless night, but I still put in a good workout. And with that, my “off-season” is now complete. And I must say, I am very pleased with how it went. I made steady gains in almost all of the exercises.

But the big question is how these gains in assistance exercises transfer to the actual powerlifts when I start doing them again for my “in-season.” My guess is that they will down initially, but hopefully, will go up rapidly through the course of the ten weeks.

I’ll take today (Thursday) off, and then put in my first in-season workout on Good Friday. But then I’ll take Easter weekend off, and start in earnest next week.

These workout logs are continued at: Full Workout Logs: Starting 3/21/08: In-Season; Weeks 1 - 5 of 10.

Full Workout Logs: Starting 2/17/08: Off-Season; Weeks 6 -10. Copyright © 2008 By Gary F. Zeolla.

Amazon Author Page for Gary F. Zeolla (#ad)


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Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs

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