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2018-2019 Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan
Weeks 1-6 of 12
These workout logs are continued from 2018-19 Tetra #1 Powerlifting Training Plan: Rotations III and IV of VI.
Age: 58.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight: See each week.
Next Contest: God-willing, IPA PA States, March 2, 2019 in York, PA.
330/6 – Pounds/Reps (all weights are in pounds).
[45/15] – Warm-up sets are in brackets.
(7,5,3) – Target reps for the work sets are in parentheses.
! – Sets marked with an exclamation point are new
50s PRs.
^ – Sets marked with a caret tied 50s PRs.
* – Items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.
1:58 – hours : minutes (workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting,
stretching, and clean-up).
Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).
From Tetra to Two by Two
My Tetra Training Plan was not working, so I am switching back to Training Plan I know works—my Two by Two Training Plan. I used it with good success for my first three years of training hard again, starting in 2013. But then I experimented with different plans. The only one that worked was my Two-Stage Trinity Plan, but I do not have time for that plan right now, as I am still hoping to enter IPA PA States on March 2, 2019. But I might use that Plan after that contest
But for now, I will be picking up on what would be the second training routine of the Two by Two Plan, the Pre-Contest Routine. For it, I will be alternating two different training weeks, doing the actual powerlift and one look-alike lift one week, and two look-alike lifts the other week.
Since I did the actual powerlifts first in their workouts in the Tetra Plan, for the first two workouts for each lift this time, I will do them second. Then I will move them to first for the final four workouts. That will include both Sumo and Conv Deadlifts, as I will continue to train both stances evenly. But I am not sure yet if I will Squat with Wraps or Sleeves. I did not do the former in my Tetra Plan, so I will do them first if I do them, but I will do Squats with Sleeves second initially.
I will probably get in 12 full training weeks before IPA PA States, though that could change based on how many extra days off I will need to take along the way.
Week 1/ Week A
Bodyweight: 123.2 pounds.
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 11/25/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
MG Seated Presses: [10s/15, 45/9, 52/7, 60/5, add gear: 67/3] (5, 3, 1) 75/5, 80/3, 85/1
WG Decline Benches: [45/13, 65/9, 85/7, 100/5, Gear, 115/3] (5, 3, 1) 130/5, 137/3, 142*/1, 145/1
MG BB Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 70/5, 80/3] (6, 4, 2) 90/6, 95/4, 100/2
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:27
I misloaded on the final set of Declines, putting a 2.5 rather than a five, so I did an extra set so as to do the planned weight, since it was rather easy as it was.
Music: Pandora – Christian Rap
Monday – 11/26/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
One-Count Pause Squats: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 1-Count: 160/7, 185/5, Gear: 205/3] (5, 3, 1) 225/5, 237/3, 250/1
Two Chain Squats: [Chains: 135/9, 170/7, 205/5, Gear: 240/3] (5, 3, 1) 265/5, 280/3, 295/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:57
This workout got completely messed up. I was planning on experimenting with different lengths and brands of knee wraps to try to figure out what my mental impasse has been in using wraps. However, an allergic reaction earlier in the day that continued through this workout left me not in the mood for such experimenting. Therefore, I instead winged it and did two exercises I figured I could handle doing. They went okay, but only because this was a backoff workout, and I was feeling still really awful by the time I got done.
With all that was happening, I messed up the recording of the first exercise, but I recorded the second as usual.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1
Wednesday – 11/28/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.
3 Count Pause One-Chain Benches: [regular: 45/13, 65/11, chains: 85/9, 3-count: 105/7, 115/5, add gear: 1360/3] (5, 3, 1) 135/5, 142/3, 150/1
Benches: [65/9, 85/7, 100/5, add gear: 115/3] (5, 3, 1) 130/5, 137/3, 145/1
MG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 80/5] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 90/7, 95/5, 100/3
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:37
A good workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1
Thursday – 11/29/18
Gear: Crain power belt; Genesis 24” wrist wraps; Redline 14” wrist wraps; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Conv 1½” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 180/7, 225/5, Gear: 270*/3] (5, 3, 1) 285/5, 300/3, 315/1
Sumo Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 195/7, 245/5, Gear: 290/3] (5, 3, 1) 315/5, 332/3, 350/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:38
I messed up my weights for the first exercises, so I went a bit too heavy on the warmups before I noticed the problem. But otherwise, a good workout.
I was experimenting with different wrist wraps. I have been wearing my APT wrist bands, but those are not allowed in one fed I am thinking of entering, so I tried my Crain Genesis 24” wrist wraps I use for squats and benches. Those worked for Conv Deadlifts, but they were a bit in the way on Sumos. Not too much, so I could wear them if I had to. I then tried my old 14” Redline wraps. Those worked just fine, but they also are not allowed in that fed. But I could get 12” wraps of other brands that are allowed, that probalby would work. But for now, I will stick with the APT wrist bands, though I might use the Redline wraps at a contest when they are allowed, as they look a bit nicer.
Note that I have had problems with ganglion cysts on my wrists, so I am extra cautious with them. Hence why I were wrist support even on deadlifts, as setting the weight down too hard could jar the writs and produce a cyst.
For this workout, I also used my new boards for Deficit Deadlifts, two planks nailed together rather than three. It felt better, as the greater deficit was throwing my from off too much.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Morning Workouts
Rotation IV, Week B; Day 1
Sunday – 11/25/18
Heavy Bag (higher): 6:00 (minutes : seconds)
MG Curl Bar Curls [42/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) add wrist wraps: 52/12, 55/10, 57/8
Workout Time: 0:28 (hours : minutes)
Rotation IV, Week B; Day 2
Monday – 11/26/18
Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 85/9, 100/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 110/10*, 115/9, 120/7, 125/5, 130/3
Abs: Sit-ups: [12.5/11] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 20/12, 21.5/7*, 17.5/8*
Workout Time: 0:37
This workout got a bit messed up due to starting too light on Speed Squats and too heavy on Sit-ups.
Rotation IV, Week B; Day 3
Wednesday - 11/28/18
Speed Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 65/9, 75/7[ (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 80/9, 85/7, 90/5, 95/3
Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Horn (Arms Together): [5.0/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 6.75/16, 7.0/14
Hand Gripper, holds (turns/secs): [2.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 4.0/12, 4.5/10, 5.0/8
Workout Time: 0:32
Rotation 1, Week B; Day 4
Thursday – 11/29/18
Sumo Speed 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 125/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 135/9, 142/7, 150/5, 157/3
Lying Leg Curls (alternate legs): [2.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 4.0/12, 4.25/10, 4.5/8
Workout Time: 0:37
Week 2/ Week B
Bodyweight: 123.0 pounds.
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 12/2/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Cambered Bar, Dumbbell Bars.
Dumbbell Seated Presses: [10s/16, 15s/9, 20s/7, 22.5s/5, add gear: 25s/3] (6, 4, 2) 27.5s/6, 30s/6, 31.5s/4, 32.5s/4
MG Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/9, 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 120/3] (5, 3, 1) 135/5, 142/3, 150/1
WG Barbell Rows: [45/9, 57/7, 67/5, 77/3] (6, 4, 2) 90/6, 95/4, 100/2
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:36
I started too light on the DB Presses, so I did an extra set. Otherwise, a good workout.
Music: Pandora – Secular Classic Rock
Squats – Wraps Experiment
Monday – 12/3/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 2.5 meter and 3.0 meter knee wraps; Titan THP 2.0 meter and 2.5 meter knee wraps.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Squats with Wraps: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 170/7, 200/5, Gear: Crain 2.5 m: 230/3, THP 2.0 m: 230/3] (5, 3, 1) THP 2.5 m: 255/5, Crain 2.5 m: 270/3, THP 2.5 m: 285/1, Crain 3.0 m: 295/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:43
I had one goal for this workout—to figure out my problem with using knee wraps. By that I mean, the last couple of times trying, I just couldn’t even myself to squat down. But that made no sense, as I have been using wraps for decades. I knew it was just some kind of mind block. I also wanted to decide which brand and length of wraps I would use for training and for contests.
To those ends, for my first warmup set with wraps, I started with the Crain 2.5 meter wraps I had mostly been using for both training and competition, but did not wrap them as tight as possible, more like 90%. I did that just to be sure I could actually squat and get down. And that worked. I got over my mind block and did my planned triple.
I then did the same with my THP 2.0 meter wraps, just to compare them. Not surprisingly, the set was easier with the 2.5 meter Crains than with the 2.0 meter THPs. But If I were to go with the THPs, I was thinking of using 2.0 m,eter for training and 2.5 meter for contests, but the 2.0 meter didn’t seem to do much more than my knee sleeves, so there would be no point in that.
I then alternated using 2.5 meter wraps for my three planned work sets, and each brand seemed to be about the same, though it felt like the Carians were a bit more effective. Then just for comparison, I used my 3.0 meter Crains for one set, and even with ten pounds more, that set was a bit easier than the single before it.
The bottom line of all of this experimenting is I will go back to using wraps for training and competition, using what I had been using, 2.5 meter Crains for training and 3.0 meter Crains for my peaking workouts and for contests.
I took pictures of the rolled up wraps I used in this workout. Click for a larger image. From left to right are THP 2.0 meter, THP 2.5 meter, Crain 2.5 meter, Crain 3.0 meter. You can see that the THPs are much thicker than the Crains, but the Crains are just as if not a bit more effective. But with being thinner, the rolled up wraps are easier to hold onto while wrapping, and wrapping is a bit easier. That is why I prefer the Crains. I also have several pairs of them, while I only have the one pair of 2.5 meter THPs, so I will stick with the Crains that I have rather than buy more THPs.
Music: 17 Christian Rock Hits: X2006 CD
Wednesday – 12/5/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Close Grip Benches: [45/13, 65/9, 85/7, 100/5, Gear: 112/3] (5, 3, 1) 125/5, 132/3, 137*/1, 140/1
3 Count Pause Benches: [65/9, 3-Count: 85/7, 100/5, Gear: 112/3] (5, 3, 1) 125/5, 132/3, 140/1
WG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5, add wrist wraps: 85/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 95/6*, 100/5, 105/3
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:23
A good workout, except for a couple of minor miscues, as noted. Also, I probalby went a bit too light on both Bench exercise, even with this being a backoff workout. But I will increase the weights that much more next time.
Music: Pandora – Secular Classic Hard Rock
Thursday – 12/6/18
Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Sumo 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 45/11, 135/9, 185/7, 230/5, Gear: 270/3] (5, 3, 1) 300/5, 315/3, 330/1
Conv Deadlifts: [135/9, 185/7, 230/5, Gear: 275/3] (5, 3, 1) 310/5, 325/3, 340/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:34
This was my last workout of my three-week backoff period, though this time, I probably went a bit too heavy on both exercises. But no matter, as next week, it is back to hard training. I am looking forward to it!
Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Hard Rock
Morning Workouts
Day 1
Sunday – 12/2/18
Heavy Bag: 7:00 (minutes : seconds)
CG Curl Bar Curls: add wrist wraps: [35/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 45/12, 47/10, 50/8
Workout Time: 0:25 (hours : minutes)
Day 2
Monday – 12/3/18
Jump Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Jump: 45/9, 60/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 70/9, 75/7, 80/5, 85/3
Standing Rocking Barbell Calves: [115/9] (12, 10, 8) 140/12, 147/10, 150/8
Twisting Sit-ups (2 x amrap) 8, 6 (reps to each side)
Workout Time: 0:31
Day 3
Wednesday – 12/5/18
Speed Dead Stop Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 45/9, 55/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 65/9, 70/7, 75/5, 80/3
SCB MG Reverse Curls: [42/9] 52.5/12, 55/10, 57.5/8
Workout Time: 0:33
Day 4
Thursday – 12/6/18
Speed Sumo 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 120/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 125/9, 130/7, 135/5, 140/3
Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs): [2s/11] (2 x 15-20, 10-15) 4s/15, 6s/10
Workout Time: 0:31
Week 3/ Week A
Bodyweight: 122.2 pounds.
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 12/9/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bars: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
MG Seated Presses: [10s/15, 45/9, 55/7, 65/5, add gear: 72/3] (5, 3, 1) 80/5, 85/3, 90/1
WG Decline Benches: [45/13, 65/9, 85/7, 105/5, Gear: 122/3] (5, 3, 1) 1375, 145/3, 152/1
MG BB Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 72/5, 82/3] (6, 4, 2) 92/6, 97/4, 102/3*
MG Curl Bar Curls [45/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) add wrist wraps: 55/10*, 57/8*, 61*/6*
Heavy Bag: skipped
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:27
I combined my morning and afternoon workouts together so as to give me more time to work on a work project in the morning. The workout was going well, until I got to the curls, the part that was from my morning workout. I was too tired to put much effort into them. I was planning on hitting my heavy bag after that, but bagged it (pun intended), as I was just too tired. That is why I normally do two workouts a day, just as each one is not too long and tiring.
Music: Pandora – Christian Rap
Monday – 12/10/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Two Chain Squats: [--/13, 65/11, Chains: 135/9, 175/7, 215/5, Gear: 255/3] (5, 3, 1) 285/5, 300/3, 315/1
Squats with Sleeves: [65/11, 135/9, 160/7, 185/5, Gear: 210/3] (5, 3, 1) 230/5, 242/3, 255/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:48
A hard workout.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2
Wednesday – 12/12/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.
3 Count Pause One-Chain Benches: [regular: 45/13, 65/11, chains: 85/9, 3-count: 100/7, 115/5, add gear: 130/3] (5, 3, 1) 142/5, 150/3, 157/1
Benches: [65/9, 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 122/3] (5, 3, 1) 135/5, 142/3, 150/1
Speed Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 65/9, 75/7[ (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 80/9, 85/7, 90/5, 95/3
MG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 85/5] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 95/7, 100/5, 105/3
Hand Gripper, holds (turns/secs): [2.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 4.0/12, 4.5/10, 5.0/8
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:40
Once again, I combined my morning and afternoon workouts together so as to give me more time to work on a work project in the morning. But this time went even worse than last time. I dragged through the Rows, and I was absolutely exhausted after the workout, leading to a rough night. I even messed on the two exercises from the morning, not increasing the weights from last time, and they were still too tiring. I won’t be trying that again.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1
Thursday – 12/13/18
Gear: Crain power belt; Genesis 24” wrist wraps; Redline 14” wrist wraps; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Conv 1½” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 180/7, 225/5, Gear: 270/3] (5, 3, 1) 300/5, 315/3, 330/1
Sumo Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 195/7, 245/5, Gear: 295/3] (5, 3, 1) 325/5, 342/3, 360/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:37
A good workout, except the final single with 360 was a bit harder than I had hoped it would be.
Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1
Morning Workouts
Day 1
Sunday – 12/9/18
I combined this workout with my afternoon workouts so as to give me more time to work on a work project in the morning.
Day 2
Monday – 12/10/18
Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 85/9, 110/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 120/9, 125/7, 130/5, 135/3
Abs: Sit-ups: [10/11] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 15/12, 17.5/9*, 18.75/8
Workout Time: 0:37
Day 3
Wednesday - 12/12/18
Even though it did not work very well on Sunday, I again combined this workout with my afternoon workouts so as to give me more time to work on a work project in the morning.
Day 4
Thursday – 12/13/18
Sumo Speed 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 130/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 140/9, 147/7, 155/5, 162/6*
Lying Leg Curls (alternate legs): [2.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 4.25/12, 4.5/10, 4.75/8
Workout Time: 0:31
Week 4/ Week B
Bodyweight: 122.0 pounds.
Bench Assistance
Sunday – 12/16/18
Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Cambered Bar, Dumbbell Bars.
Dumbbell Seated Presses: [10s/16, 15s/9, 20s/7, 25s/5, add gear: 30s/3] (6, 4, 2) 32.5s/6, 34s/4, 35s/2
MG Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/9, 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 125/3] (5, 3, 1) 140/5, 147/3, 155/1
WG Barbell Rows: [45/9, 57/7, 67/5, 77/3] (6, 4, 2) 90/6, 95/4, 100/2
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:36
Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore
Monday – 12/17/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 2.5-meter knee wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.
Shoes: Dexter boots.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.
Squats with Wraps: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 170/7, 205/5, Gear: 240/3] (5, 3, 1) 265/5, 280/3, 295/1
One-Count Pause Squats: [135/9, 1-Count: 160/7, 185/5, Gear: 205/3] (5, 3, 1) 225/5, 237/3, 250/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:47
This was my first regular Squats with Wraps workout in over six months, so I was very pleased it went well and as planned.
Music: Pandora – Christian Rap
Wednesday – 12/19/18
Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.
Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.
Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Super Curl Bar.
Close Grip Benches: [45/13, 65/9, 85/7, 105/5, Gear: 120/3] (5, 3, 1) 135/5, 140/3, 147/1
3 Count Pause Benches: [65/9, 3-Count: 85/7, 105/5, Gear: 120/3] (5, 3, 1) 132/5, 140/3, 147/1
WG Super Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 80/5, add wrist wraps: 90/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 100/7, 105/5, 110/3
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:37
A good workout, despite another sleepless night and being in an allergenic state during this workout.
Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Hard Rock
Thursday – 12/20/18
Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.
Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.
Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.
Sumo 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/15, 135/9, 185/7, 235/5, Gear: 280/3] (5, 3, 1) 310/5, 325/3, 342/1
Conv Deadlifts: [--/11, 135/9, 190/7, 240/5, Gear: 290/3] (5, 3, 1) 320/5, 335/3, 352/1
Stretching: ~5 minutes
Workout time: 1:33
A very good workout. The only miscue was I straightened out my left leg too early on the Sumo single. That make the lift harder than it should have been.
Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Heavy Metal
Morning Workouts
Day 1
Sunday – 12/16/18
Heavy Bag: 8:00 (minutes : seconds)
CG Curl Bar Curls: add wrist wraps: [40/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 47/12, 50/10, 52/8
Workout Time: 0:27 (hours : minutes)
Day 2
Monday – 12/17/18
Jump Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Jump: 45/9, 65/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 75/9, 80/7, 85/5, 90/3
Standing Rocking Barbell Calves: [115/9] (12, 10, 8) 145/12, 152/10, 160/8
Twisting Sit-ups (2 x amrap) 10, 8 (reps to each side)
Workout Time: 0:31
Day 3
Wednesday – 12/19/18
Speed Dead Stop Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 45/9, 60/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 70/9, 75/7, 80/5, 85/3
SCB MG Reverse Curls: [45/9] 55/12, 57.5/10, 60/8
Workout Time: 0:37
Day 4
Thursday – 12/20/18
Speed Conv 1-1/2” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 125/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 130/9, 135/7, 140/5, 145/3
Dip Bar Twisting Leg Raises (alternate legs): [--/10] (15-20, 10-15) 2s/20, 15s/15
Workout Time: 0:31
These workout logs are continued at: 2018-19 Trinity Powerlifting Training Plan: Rotations I & II of IV.
2018-2019 Two by Two Powerlifting Training Plan: Weeks 1-6 of 12. Copyright © 2018-19 By Gary F. Zeolla.
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