Biblical and Constitutional Politics

Books by the Director


Four Great Supreme Court Rulings

By Gary F. Zeolla


      On June 29-30, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) delivered four great rulings, at least from a conservative perspective. However, liberals and Joe Biden were outraged. But their outrage only further establishes these were great rulings for the country. In this article, I will overview these four great rulings


Postal Worker Gets Sundays Off


      This first ruling was my favorite, but it was the one that received the least reporting. I only heard it mentioned on KDKA radio (my CBS affiliate) and on Newsmax TV right after the ruling came out, but then not at all on any of the other TV or radio news shows and commentators I monitor, and I only saw it reported on one news website.

      The case was simple. A Christian postal worker wanted Sundays off. The US Postal Service would not grant that request. When he refused to work on Sundays, he was fired, so he sued.

      When I was young, way back in the 1960s-70s, “blue laws” were in effect across the country. These laws prevented most non-essential businesses from operating on Sundays. Sundays were seen as a day of rest. But then a SCOTUS ruling struck those blue laws down as unconstitutional.

      The effect of that ruling was that most all businesses now operate on Sundays, to the detriment of the physical and mental health of Americans. The stress and its resultant health problems caused by our 24/7 business system is taking a toll on Americans.

      But now, as more and more Christian wise up and obey the Bible and ask for Sundays off, I hope and pray there will be some businesses that will need to close on Sundays due to a lack of employees willing to work on Sundays, and we will see somewhat of a return to those blue law days.

      Of course, not all religions have Sundays as their holy days. Muslims will want Fridays off and Jews Saturdays off. And there are some Christians who subscribe to seventh-day Sabbaths ideas who will also want Saturdays off. But that will be just fine. Businesses will just have to juggle their work schedules. That is a minor inconvenience to accommodate religious freedom.

      That is why this ruling in favor of the postal worker was a 9-0 decision. It is rare for the liberal and conservative wings of the Court to agree on anything. But them doing so here shows how very strongly the Constitution supports religious freedom. That should have ramifications for other religious freedom and accommodation cases that could come before the courts.

      For a discussion about that debate within Christian circles about whether the Christian Sabbath should be Saturday or Sunday and if Christians are obligated to adhere to the Bible’s Sabbath regulations, see “Scripture Study #29 – The Seventh-day Sabbath” in my Scripture Workbook: Second Edition.


Christians Don’t Have to Celebrate Sin


      This was another religious freedom case, at least from the conservative perspective. The liberal media termed it a “LGBTQ rights” case. But in fact, the ruling was based on another aspect of the First Amendment, that of free speech. In this case, the ruling was that  a person should not be forced to articulate speech contrary to his or her conscience.

      The case was about a wedding website designer. She did not want to use her creative talents to promote homosexual weddings. That was because she is a Christian who believes the Bible, not to mention the universal human tradition throughout most all of human history and still in most of the world today, that marriage is between a man and a woman. However, to force her to create a website for homosexual weddings would go against that deeply held religious and historically-based belief.

      It must be noted, this was NOT about whether a person can choose who to service or not service based on the customer's sexual orientation, as the media misconstrued it. The media has tried to make it sound like this ruling will allow Christian to not service homosexuals at restaurants or some such nonsense.

      As a pundit on Newsmax explained it, if a homosexual goes into a bakery, that bakery still must sell him a cake. However, the baker is not required to design one with a pro-homosexual message on it. It is that use of speech in the form of creative talent that cannot be coerced. The liberal wing of the Court did not seem to understand that distinction, so this was only a 6-3 decision.

      I absolutely agree with this decision and disagree with the dissenting view. To coerce a website designer to design a website to promote a  homosexual wedding, or a baker to decorate a cake to celebrate the same, would be tantamount to me being forced to write a book promoting the sin of homosexual sex. That would be against all that I believe about God’s sex plan, as I articulate in my series of books on Sex and the Bible.


All Discrimination Is Illegal


      You do not correct discrimination by discriminating. You do not end racism by institutionalizing racism. Those are the basic themes of this ruling.

      The case came down to the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. You cannot give preference to one group over another based on their skin shade or race. Doing so is exactly why there is still racism in the USA.

      Many people have become racists due to being passed over for a job, promotion, or college admission due to the other person being in a “protected” class who got special treatment. And yes, this ruling will affect more than just college admissions. The next time someone feels they were pass over in a business setting due to preferential treatment for the other person, there will be a lawsuit based on this case.

      Sadly, colleges and universities and Joe Biden are already vowing to find a way around this ruling. But hopefully, the courts will not let them get away with it.

      It was a 6-3 decision, with Biden’s SCOTUS appointee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, ruling in favor of affirmative action. That was not surprising, as she got her current job due to affirmative action. When Biden announced he would only consider a black woman for his SCOTUS appointee, he set up an affirmative action situation. I am not saying she was not qualified, but it is hard not to assume she only got her job due to her skin shade and female genitalia.

      Of course, the irony of that last point is Ketanji was unable to answer the simple question of “What is a woman?” during her confirmation hearings. Since she cannot define what a woman is, then it cannot be said for sure she is one, and all of the talk about her being the first black woman Supreme Court Justice is nonsensical.

      Meanwhile, there is now a feud between Ketanji and the other black Justice on the Court, Clarence Thomas. That feud is explained in the references at the end of this article.

      But here, I discuss Ketanji’s appointment in-depth in my three-volume set Joe Biden Tweets During the Second Year of His Failing Presidency.


Student Debt Transfer Illegal


      The first thing to notice about this ruling is how the media, Biden, and Dems word it. They always say it is about “student loan forgiveness.” However, that terminology makes it sound like the loans just dissipate into the ether. But they do not.

      Loans are always repaid. If not by the borrowers, then the cost is absorbed by the lenders, or the loans are paid off by a third party. They do not simply disappear. That is why I call this plan “student debt transfer.” In this case, it is a transferring of debt from those who took out the loans, the students, to those of us who did not take out the loans, the US taxpayers.

      That is why this Biden plan is fundamentally unfair. It is also illegal, as it is in essence a spending bill that originated in the Executive Branch that would have cost we the taxpayers about $400 million. However, the Constitution is clear—all spending bills must originate in the US House.

      That latter point is why the Court rightly struck down this plan as unconstitutional. But it does disturb me that it was only by 6-3 decision. The liberals Justices simply ignored the Constitution in voting to uphold it.

      I discuss this failed Biden student debt transfer plan in-depth in my three-volume set Joe Biden Tweets During the Second Year of His Failing Presidency. There I give many more reasons why this was a bad plan to begin with and why it is a great thing that it was struck down by the Supreme Court.

      Of course, those who were hoping to have their debts paid off by others are not so happy about this ruling. Neither is Biden, who is vowing to find a way around it. But those of us who believe in fairness and the rule of law and who would have been responsible for paying off loans we did not take out are applauding it.




      The left and Biden are already screaming about these rulings. But all of them were based on the Constitution. However, that is exactly what Biden and the left do not like them. They liked the days when they could get aspects of their liberal agenda passed by the courts when they couldn’t get them passed in the constitutional manner through the legislature.

      But now, thanks to Donald J. Trump and Mitch McConnell and the three conservative Justices they appointed and got confirmed to the Court, respectively, we now have a Supreme Court that believes in following the Constitution and only calling balls and strikes in terms of what is constitutional or not, as opposed to the formerly liberal Court that believed in inventing rights out of thin air.

      That is why Biden and the left are outraged and will try to circumvent these rulings.  But when they do, here’s praying the courts smack them down based on these four great rulings by the Supreme Court.



Postal Worker Wants Sundays Off:

    Postmillennial. Supreme Court rules Christian postal worker cannot be forced to work on Sundays.


Christians Don’t Have to Celebrate Sin:

    Fox News. Supreme Court rules in favor of Colorado graphic designer who refused to create same-sex wedding websites.

    Newsmax. Christian Graphic Designer Lorie Smith to Newsmax: Day of Victory for Everyone.

    Newsmax. Liberal Justices Warn of LGBTQ+ Ruling's Ripple Effects.

    Washington Examiner. Supreme Court sides with web designer who didn't want to create pro-LGBT messages.


All Racial Discrimination Is Illegal:

    Daily Caller. ‘Cancerous To Young Minds’: Clarence Thomas Torches Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Dissent From Affirmative Action Ruling.

    Daily Caller. Liberals Outraged That Asian Students Will Finally Get A Fair Chance.

    Daily Caller. ‘Not A Normal Court’: Biden Undermines Legitimacy Of SCOTUS.

    Newsmax. Supreme Court Rejects Biden's $400 Billion Student Loan Forgiveness Plan.

    Trib Live. Borrowers disappointed with Supreme Court ruling striking down student loan relief.

    Trib Live. Western Pa. campuses say diversity will remain priority following high court ruling.

    Washington Examiner. Good riddance: Supreme Court is right to say racial preferences violate equal protection.

    Washington Examiner. Thomas blasts Jackson's dissent in affirmative action decision: 'Cancerous to young minds'.


 Student Debt Transfer Illegal:

    CNBC. Supreme Court strikes down Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan.

    Fox Business. Supreme Court rules against Biden student loan debt handout.


Four Great Supreme Court Rulings. Copyright © 2023 by Gary F. Zeolla (

Joe Biden Tweets During His Failing Presidency

      Biden can be very disingenuous in his tweets and his claims about his various plans and polices. He thinks they are all grand and good for the country. But in fact, it is those very plans and policies that is causing his presidency. Those plans and polices are also dividing and destroying American. Biden’s early actions also set the stage for more failures later in his presidency, so it is important to remember them.


The above article was posted on this website on July 2, 2023.

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