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Why I Decided to Get Vaccinated

(Refuting Covid Antivaxxers)



By Gary F. Zeolla


These references are for the four-part article Why I Decided to Get Vaccinated (Refuting Covid Antivaxxers).


      AP. EXPLAINER: Why countries are halting the AstraZeneca shot.

      AP. Video spreads false information about COVID-19 vaccines.

      Austin American Statesman. Tucker Carlson said 3,362 people have died from the COVID vaccine. Is he right?

      Breitbart. FDA Panel Recommends Approval of Moderna Virus Vaccine for Emergency Use.

      Bustle. Doctors Explain Why You Need 2 Doses Of The COVID Vaccine.

      CBS Evening News. 16 states report no coronavirus deaths. Coronavirus vaccine misinformation permeates social media: Here are the facts to counter six false claims.

      CNN. FDA, CDC advisers say to expect a lot of questions about AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

      CNN. More young people are getting hospitalized as a ‘stickier,’ more infectious coronavirus strain becomes dominant.

      Forbes. U.K. Coronavirus Variant Is Significantly More Deadly, Says New Study.

      Fox Business. Pfizer, BioNTech seek full FDA approval for COVID-19 vaccine.

      Fox News. FDA approves Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine for distribution.

      Fox News. EU regulator ‘convinced’ AstraZeneca vaccine benefit outweighs risk.

      Good Rx. Why Do I Need the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Shot?

      Health Essentials. When Should You Get Vaccinated if You’ve Had COVID-19?

      Healthline. Why Do You Need Two Doses for Some COVID-19 Vaccines?

      IHeartRadio. Kids Making Up A Larger Proportion Of New Coronavirus Cases. By Bill Galluccio (on the app, so no URL).

      IFLS. COVID-19 Symptoms Take On Average Five Days To Show, Study Reveals.

      Medical News Today. How long does it take for symptoms of COVID-19 to appear?

      MIT Medical. I’ve had COVID; do I need a vaccine?

      New York Times. Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Second Covid Shot.

      Newsmax. CDC Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Clotting Cases up to 28.

      Newsmax. FDA’s Hahn Stresses Vaccines Safe, Despite Quick Approval.

      Newsmax. Study: South African Variant May ‘Break Through’ Pfizer Vaccine Protection.

      Newsmax. Sweden Pauses Use of AstraZeneca Vaccine.

      Reuters. Canada says AstraZeneca vaccine is safe after Norway and Denmark suspend use.

      Reuters. EU regulator finds link between AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots.

      Reuters. Fact check: Clarifying claims around Pfizer vaccine deaths and side effects.

      Science News. Here’s what breakthrough infections reveal about COVID-19 vaccines.

      Trib Live. 1 year later: The coronavirus response, missteps and what we have learned.

      Trib Live. Allegheny County covid case average lowest since Halloween.

      Trib Live. Allegheny County officials support lifting of restrictions, tackle covid vaccine myths.

      Trib Live. Covid cases continue slow increase as over 40% of Pa. has at least 1 vaccine dose.

      Trib Live/ AP. Abortion concerns prompt archdiocese warning on vaccine.

      Trib Live/ AP. Confused about CDC’s guidance about masks? Here’s what you need to know.

      Trib Live/ AP. The unwitting are the target of covid-19 falsehoods online.

      Trib Live/ AP. Poll: Most in U.S. who remain unvaccinated need convincing.

      Trib Live/ AP. Ted Nugent, who once dismissed covid-19, sickened by virus.

      Trib Live/ Bloomberg News. CDC’s big mask change went from science to secret to surprise.

      Trib Live/ Los Angeles Times. Scientists scramble to see why, in rare cases, even the vaccinated can get covid-19.

      Trib Live/ McClatchy Washington Bureau. Is it better to get immunity from catching covid-19 — or from vaccines? What science shows.

      UPMC. How Does the COVID-19 Vaccine Affect Immunocompromised People?

      USA Today. Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines don’t cause death, won’t decimate world’s population.

      USA Today. Fact check: No, interacting with a vaccinated person won’t cause miscarriage or menstrual changes.

      Washington Examiner. Fully vaccinated seniors 94% less likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19, CDC finds.

      Washington Examiner. Norway finds no direct link between elderly deaths and coronavirus shots.

      WebMD. Do I still need to get vaccinated if I’ve already had COVID-19?

      WHYY. PBS. I’ve already had COVID-19. Do I need one vaccine shot or two?

      WRAL. UK variant affecting children, researchers say.

      Yahoo! News. Ted Nugent, who once dismissed COVID-19, sickened by virus.


June 9, 2021 Update:

      ABC7News. Reports of menstrual cycle changes after COVID vaccine highlight issues with clinical trials.

      Global News. Why are people reporting irregular menstruation after the COVID-19 shot? Experts explain.

      Newsweek. More Study Urged After 7 Teen Boys Suffer Heart Inflammation After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine.

      Reuters. Fact Check-There is no evidence to suggest COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of miscarriage.

      Trib Live/ Los Angeles Times. Some vaccine experts having 2nd thoughts about rushing to inoculate kids.

      USA Today. Fact check: No evidence of miscarriage surge since vaccine rollout.

      Yahoo! News. U.S. CDC looking into heart inflammation in some young vaccine recipients.


For a follow-up to this four-part article, see the two-part article Supplements to Reduce the Risk of Covid-19.


God-given Foods Eating Plan
For Lifelong Health, Optimization of Hormones, Improved Athletic Performance

    The approach of this book is to study different foods and food groups, with a chapter devoted to each major classification of foods. First the Biblical evidence is considered, then the modern-day scientific research is reviewed. Foods are then classified as “God-given foods” and “non-God-given foods.” The main point will be a healthy eating plan is composed of a variety of God-given foods and avoids non-God-given foods.


Why I Decided to Get Vaccinated (Refuting Covid Antivaxxers) References. Copyright © 2021 by Gary F. Zeolla (

The above references were posted on this website May 21, 2021.

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