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Books and eBooks by the Director
Reviews of Reference
Works Consulted
Gary F. Zeolla
These pages provide reviews of reference works that were
consulted while working on the Analytical-Literal
Translation of the New Testament (ALT). To purchase a copy of the third edition,
click here.
The books are rated from one to five stars.
Most of them can be purchased from
Original Language Texts
Software Programs
Bible Versions
Additional Bible versions that were consulted are
reviewed in the book Differences Between
Bible Versions.
Greek Reference Works
- Bauer, Walter.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament -

- Brown, Colin.
New International Dictionary of New
Testament Theology -

- Dana, H.E. and Julius Mantey.
A Manual Grammar of
the Greek New Testament -

- Green, Jay P. and Maurice A. Robinson.
A Concise
Lexicon to the Biblical Languages -

- Friberg, Timothy and Barbara.
Analytical Lexicon
to the Greek New Testament -

- Hewett, James A. New Testament Greek:
A Beginning
and Intermediate Grammar -

- Kittle, Gerhard and Gerhard Friedrich.
Theological Dictionary of the NT: Abridged in One Volume

- Liddell-Scott Greek English Lexicon

- Louw, Johannes and Eugene Nida, eds.
Greek-English Lexicon -

- Newman, Barclay M. Jr.
A Concise Greek-English
Lexicon of the New Testament -

- Perschbacher, Wesley J.
The New Analytical
Lexicon -

- Robertson, A.T.
Word Pictures in the Greek New
Testament -

- Rienecker, Fritz.
A Linguistic Key to the Greek
New Testament -

- Thayer, Joseph H.
Thayer’s Greek-English
Lexicon of the New Testament -

- Trent, Richard C.
Synonyms of the New Testament -

- Wuest, Kenneth.
Word Studies in the Greek New
Testament -

- Zerwick, Maximilian and Mary Grosvenor.
Biblical Greek -

- Zerwick, Maximilian, ed.
A Grammatical Analysis
of the Greek NT -

General Reference Works
For additional Bible study aids, see
Analytical-Literal Translation: Main Page
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