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Analytical-Literal Translation

Variants: John

This page lists significant textual variants in the Gospel of John.
 This page is a part of the list of Textual Variants posted on this site.
See Variants: Introduction for background information on this list.


1:16     MT/ TR: And – CT: For

1:18     MT/ TR: Son – CT: God

1:19     MT/ TR: sent – CT: sent to him

1:27     MT/ TR: He is – CT: omits

            MT/ TR: who has come to be before me, – CT: omits

1:28     MT/ CT: Bethany – TR: Bethabara

1:39     MT/ TR: see – CT: you* will see

1:42     MT/ TR: Jonah – CT: John

1:51     MT/ TR: from now [on] – CT: omits

2:10     MT/ TR: then – CT: omits

2:17     MT/ CT: will consume – TR: consumed

2:22     MT/ CT: this. – TR: this to them.

3:13     MT/ TR: the One being in heaven – CT: omits

3:15     MT/ TR: shall not perish, _but_  – CT: omits

3:16     MT/ TR: His – CT: the

3:17     MT/ TR: His – CT: the

3:25     MT/ CT: a Jew – TR: [some] Jews

3:28     MT: testify – TR/ CT: testify to me

3:34     MT/ TR: God does – CT: He does

4:1       MT/ TR: the Lord – CT: Jesus

4:3       MT: away – TR/ CT: away again

4:17     MT/ TR: said – CT: said to Him

4:42     MT/ TR: the Christ – CT: omits

4:43     MT/ TR: and went away – CT: omits

4:51     MT/ TR: and reported – CT: omits

            MT/ TR: Your – CT: His

5:2       MT/ TR: Bethesda – CT: Bethzatha

5:3       MT/ TR: great – CT: omits

            MT/ TR: waiting for the moving of the water. – CT: omits

5:4       MT/ TR: includes verse  – CT: omits verse

5:12     MT/ TR: your cot – CT: omits

5:16     MT/ TR: and were seeking to kill Him, – CT: omits

5:30     MT/ TR: the Father – CT: the One

6:2       MT/ TR: His signs – CT: the signs

6:11     MT/ TR: to the disciples, and the disciples – CT: omits

6:15     MT: withdrew – TR/ CT: withdrew again

6:22     MT/ TR: except that one which His disciples stepped into, – CT: except one,

6:39     MT/ TR: the Father – CT: the One

6:40     MT/ TR: the One having sent me – CT: My Father

6:47     MT/ TR: in Me – CT: omits

6:51     MT/ TR: which I will give – CT: omits (second occurrence)

6:55     MT/ TR: truly is – CT: is true (twice)

6:58     MT/ TR: your* fathers ate the manna – CT: the fathers ate

6:65     MT/ TR: My Father – CT: the Father (Note: This variant occurs often in the Gospel of John, but this is the only time it is listed.)

6:69     MT/ TR: the Christ, the Son of the living God! – CT: the Holy [One] of God!

7:8       MT/ TR: not yet – CT: not

7:26     MT/ TR: truly – CT: omits (second occurrence)

7:29     MT/ CT: _I_ – TR: But _I_

7:33     MT/ CT: said, – TR: said to them,

7:39     MT/ TR: Holy – CT: omits

7:40     MT/ TR: many from – CT: [some] from

7:46     MT/ TR: like this Person – CT: omits

7:50     MT/ TR: Him by night – CT: Him before

7:52     MT/ TR: has not been raised – CT: is not raised

7:53-8:11  MT/ TR: includes passage – CT: does not consider the passage to be genuine; however, the CT does include the passage in double brackets, so the following variants indicate differences between the MT and this double-bracketed CT text.

8:3       MT/ TR: to Him – CT: omits

8:4       MT: we found this [woman] – TR: this woman was taken – CT: this woman has been taken

8:5       MT: our Law, Moses commanded – TR/ CT: the Law, Moses commanded us

8:6       MT: an accusation against Him – TR/ CT: [something] to be accusing Him

            MT/ TR: not taking notice – CT: omits

8:9       MT/ TR: and by the conscience being convicted – CT: omits

            MT/ CT: being – TR: who had stood

8:10     MT/ TR: and having seen no one but the woman, – CT: omits

            MT/ TR: where are those accusers of yours? – CT: where are they?

8:38     MT/ TR: you* have seen with your* father – CT: you* have heard from the Father.

8:54     MT/ CT: our – TR: your*

8:59     MT/ TR: having passed … He passed by. – CT: omits

9:4       MT/ TR: Me – CT: us

9:8       MT/ TR: blind – CT: a beggar

9:9       MT/ TR: But others, “He – CT: Others, “No, but He

9:11     MT/ TR: the pool of – CT: omits

9:14     MT/ TR: when – CT: on the day

9:26     MT/ TR: again – CT: omits

9:35     MT/ TR: of God – CT: of Humanity

9:41     MT/ TR: Therefore – CT: omits

10:8     MT: came – TR: came before Me – CT: came {before Me}

10:14   MT/ TR: I am known by My [own]. – CT: My [own] know Me.

10:26   MT/ TR: just as I said to you* – CT: omits

10:29   MT/ TR: My Father who has given [them] to Me – CT: What My Father has given to Me

10:38   MT/ TR: believe – CT: understand

11:12   MT/ TR: His disciples said, – CT: the disciples said to Him,

11:19   MT/ TR: the [women] around – CT: omits

11:30   MT/ TR: was – CT: was still

11:31   MT/ TR: saying – CT: supposing

11:41   MT/ TR: from where the one having died was lying – CT: omits

11:50   MT/ TR: for us – CT: for you*

12:1     MT/ TR: the one having died – CT: omits

12:4     MT/ TR: [son] of Simon – CT: omits

12:7     MT/ TR: she has kept it – CT: so that she shall keep it

12:13   MT/ TR: [the] King – CT: {even} the King

12:25   MT/ TR: will lose – CT: loses

12:41   MT/ TR: when – CT: because

12:47   MT/ TR: believe [them]  – CT: keep [them]

13:2     MT/ TR: having taken place – CT: taking place

13:3     MT/ TR: Jesus – CT: omits

13:18   MT/ TR: bread with Me – CT: My bread

13:26   MT/ TR: _I_, having dipped the piece of bread, will – CT: _I_ will dip the piece of bread and will.

14:2     MT/ TR: I am – CT: for I am

14:4     MT/ TR: you* know, and the way you* know. – CT: you* know the way.

14:10   MT/ TR: the works. – CT: His works.

14:15   MT/ TR: keep – CT: you* will keep

14:28   MT/ TR: because I said ‘I am going – CT: because I am going

15:7     MT/ TR: you* will ask – CT: ask

15:11   MT/ TR: shall abide – CT: shall be

16:3     MT/ CT: do – TR: do to you*

16:15   MT/ CT: He takes from – TR: He will take from

16:16   MT/ TR: not – CT: no longer

            MT/ TR: because I am going away to the Father. – CT: omits

16:25   MT/ TR: _but_ an hour – CT: an hour

16:32   MT/ TR: now – CT: omits

16:33   MT/ CT: you* have – TR: you* will have

17:11   MT/ CT: which – TR: whom

17:12   MT/ TR: in the world – CT: omits

            MT/ TR: Your name. [Those] whom You have given to Me I guarded,  – CT: Your name which You have given to Me; I guarded [them],

17:17   MT/ TR: Your truth – CT: the truth

17:21   MT/ TR: one in Us – CT: in Us

18:20   MT/ TR: where the Jews are always – CT: where all the Jews are

18:40   MT/ TR: all – CT: omits

19:3     MT/ TR: And they kept – CT: And they were coming to Him and kept

19:7     MT/ TR: our law – CT: the law

19:16   MT/ TR: and led [Him] away – CT: omits

19:17   MT/ TR: carrying His cross – CT: carrying the cross Himself

19:28   MT: having seen – TR/ CT: knowing

19:38   MT/ TR: the body of Jesus – CT: His body

20:16   MT/ TR: to Him – CT: to Him in Hebrew

20:18   MT/ TR: disciples that she has seen – CT: disciples, “I have seen

20:19   MT/ TR: assembled – CT: omits

20:29   MT/ CT: Me, – TR: Me, Thomas,

21:3     MT/ TR: immediately – CT: omits

21:15   MT/ TR: of Jonah – CT: of John (and in next two verses)

Books and eBooks by Gary F. Zeolla, the Director of Darkness to Light

This list of variants was posted on this site November 12, 2000.
It was updated October 27, 2003.

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