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2018-19 Tetra #1 Powerlifting Training Plan

Rotations I and II of VI

by Gary F. Zeolla

These workout logs are continued from: Summer 2018 Tetra/ Trinity Final Five Weeks Training Pre-Contest Powerlifting Training Plan.

They pick up after: RPS Dog Days Powerlifting Contest - 2018.

Age: 57.
Height: 5'1".
Bodyweight: See each week.

Next Contest: God-willing and very tentatively, IPA PA States, March 2, 2019, in York, PA.

330/6 – Pounds/Reps (all weights are in pounds).
[45/15] – Warm-up sets are in brackets.
(7,5,3) – Target reps for the work sets are in parentheses.
! – Sets marked with an exclamation point are new 50s PRs.
^ – Sets marked with a caret tied 50s PRs.
* – Items marked with an asterisk did not go as planned.
1:58 – hours : minutes (workout times include set-up, warm-up, lifting, stretching, and clean-up).

Gear as indicated; if not indicated, then completely raw (no supportive gear).


Tetra x 2 Powerlifting Training Strategy


After my recent powerlifting contest on Saturday August 18, 2018, I took a week off. I was busy Sunday through Thursday, unpacking and washing all of my stuff. But I got a good rest on Friday and Saturday, and I slept well all week. As such, I am good to go to start training again today (Sunday, 8/26/18). It is also time to get back to working on my next book, after taking a break from it, as I was sort of on vacation over the last two weeks.

As I begin training, I will be using my new “Tetra x 2 Powerlifting Training Strategy.” The “Tetra” means it consists of four training weeks (Weeks A, B, C, D). The actual powerlifts are done first in their workouts in Week D, though I might also do them second in Week B. The “x 2” indicates I have two Training Plans (Tetra #1, Tetra #2), with different assistance work to be done in each plan. I will use Tetra #1 now, then Tetra #2 after my next contest. 

A set of four training weeks is called a Rotation. Ideally, each Training Plan will last six Rotations or about six months, with a contest at the end of each plan. God-willing and very tentatively, my next contest will be IPA PA States, March 2, 2019, in York, PA.

Further details on this Tetra x 2 Training Strategy will have to await my planned new book on powerlifting (see Writing Plans). But here I will say, to really make progress with this it, I need to stick with it without any major alternations for an extended length of time, which is to say, for at least a couple of years. That is why I spent far more time designing it than I have spent designing any previous Training Plan. In fact, that is part of what I was doing during my “vacation,” so that this new Training Strategy would be ready to go when I started training again.

Rotation I


Week A

Bodyweight: 119.6 pounds

Bench Assistance

Sunday – 8/26/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar.

3-Count Pause One-Chain Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/9, Chains, 3-Count: 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 125/3] (6, 4, 2) 140/6, 145/4, 150/2

WG Standing Presses: [45/9, 50/7, 55/5, add gear: 60/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 65/6, 70/4, 75/2

CG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 47/7, 55/5, 62/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 70/7, 75/5, 80/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:18

First let me say, due to my recent contest and the break before and after, this was my first “normal” day in two weeks, and it felt good to get back into training and my regular schedule.

That said; this was a quick workout. It was the first time using chains on Declines. I started a bit too heavy, so I only increased 5 pounds rather than my normal 7.5 pounds set to set.

I changed my from on presses. Rather than stopping and breathing at the top as I had been doing, I am doing them in the more normal fashion of stopping and breathing at the bottom. I think doing the former is why I had problems starting the first rep in WG Seated Presses at the end of my previous routine, as I wasn’t developing the off of the top of the chest starting strength.


None. I forgot, with this being my first workout post-contest.

Music: Pandora – Christian Rap



Monday – 8/27/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

3-Count Pause Squats: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 3-Count: 160/7, add belt: 185/5, add sleeves: 205/3] (6, 4, 2) 225/6, 237/4, 250/2

Olympic (Extra Low Close Stance) Squats: [--/11, 115/9, 145/7, add belt: 165/5, add sleeves: 185/3] (6, 4, 2) 205/6, 215/4, 225/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:31

A very good workout.


I again forgot about recording, until my final set of 3-Count Pause Squats, so I recorded that and then the final two sets of Olympic Squats.

Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore



Wednesday – 8/29/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bars: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.

Cambered Bar Benches: [35/13, 55/11, 70/9, 85/7, 100/5, add gear: 112/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 125/6, 132/4, 140/2

Rack Benches: [95/9, 115/5, add gear: 130/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 145/6, 152/4, 160/2

One-Arm DB Rows (Parallel Grip): [30/9, 42/7, 52/5] (7, 5, 3) 60/7, 62/5, 65/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:27

Another good workout, despite problems before and after this workout.

I finally remembered to record a workout as planned, the final two sets of all exercises. But I am not sure what is on the right side of the screen. Something must have been on the camera lens.

Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Hard Rock
The music reflects my mood, rather upset.



Thursday – 8/30/18

Gear: Crain power belt; Ace: knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Conv 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/11, 135/9, 175/7, add belt: 215/5, add sleeves: 255/3] (6, 4, 2) *275/6, 295/4, 310/2

Sumo 2-1/4” Block Pulls: [Regular: --/11, 135/9, Blocks: 175/7, add belt: 215/5, add sleeves: 255/3] (6, 4, 2) 285/6, 300/4, 315/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:34

I misloaded on the first set of Deficit DLs. It was supposed to be 285. As such, I increased by a bit more than planned for the second set but as planned for the next, as all of the sets were a bit harder than expected. But otherwise, a good workout.

However, I am not so sure on my plans for Deadlifts. This routine has me training Conv and Sumo Deadlifts evenly, but that has me doing a Conv lift before Sumo lift half of the time, while I prefer the reverse. But most of all, I basically already know I can pull about ten pounds more Sumo than Conv, so I am not sure if this plan will be the best idea or not. But I will stick with it for one rotation then decide if I want to change it.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2


Morning Workouts


Rotation I, Week A; Day 1

Sunday – 8/26/18

Heavy Bag: 6:00 (minutes : seconds)

MG Super Curl Bar Curls [40/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) add wrist wraps: 50/12, 52.5/10, 55/8

Workout Time: 0:24 (hours : minutes)


Rotation I, Week A; Day 2

Monday – 8/27/18

Jump Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Jump: 45/9, 60/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 70/9, 75/7, 80/5, 85/3

Standing Barbell Calves: [125/9] (12, 10, 8) 137/12, 145/10, 152/8

Workout Time: 0:31


Rotation I, Week A; Day 3

Wednesday – 8/29/18

Speed Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [Regular: 35/15, 55/11, Speed: 57/9, 62/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 67/9, 72/7, 77/5, 82/3

MG Reverse CB Preacher Curls: [35/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 40/12, 42/10, 45/8

Rotator Cuff: Lying, out: [3.5/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 5.75/16!, 6.0/14!

Workout Time: 0:42


Rotation I, Week A; Day 4

Thursday – 8/30/18

Speed Conv Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 120/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 125/9, 130/7, 135/5, 140/3

Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs): [2s/11] (2 x 15-20, 10-15) 4s/20, 6s/15

Workout Time: 0:33

Week B


Bodyweight: 121.2 pounds.

My weight is back up to about normal.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 9/2/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Bar: Dumbbell Bars, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar.

Dumbbell Decline Bench: [20s/15, 27s/9, 35s/7, 42s/5, add gear: 50s/3] (7, 5, 3) 57s/7, 60s/5, 62s/3

MG Standing Presses: [45/9, 50/7, 55/5, add gear: 60/3] (6, 4, 2) 65/6, 70/4, 75/2

WG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 47/7, 57/5, 67/3] (7, 5, 3) 75/7, 80/5, 85/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:30

A very good workout.


None. I somehow lost it.

Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Hard Rock



Monday – 9/3/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 2.0 meter knee wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

Extra Low Reverse Band (#4, average) Squats: [--/13, 65/11, add bands: 155/9, 185/7, add belt: 215/5, add sleeves: 240/3] (6, 4, 2) 265/6, 280/4, 295/2

Squats with Sleeves: [--/11, 135/9, 155/7, add belt: 175/3, 195/3, add sleeves: 215/3] (6, 4, 2) 225/6, 237/4, 250/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:38

The first exercise went well, but I had a few miscues on the second. First, I wrote up my warmups incorrectly, so I had to do an extra set. Then I had planned on going a bit too heavy for a backoff workout, so I dropped my planned work sets weights by ten pounds. But that made my final warm-up set a bit too heavy. But no matter, as the work sets went as planned.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1



Wednesday – 9/5/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.

Feet Up Dead Stop Benches: [regular: 45/13, 65/11, 80/9, feet up, dead stop: 95/7, 110/5, add gear: 125/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 135/5*, 140/3*, 145/2

3 Count Pause Close Grip Benches: [65/9, 3-count: 80/7, 95/5, add gear: 107/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 120/6, 127/4, 135/2

WG Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5, add wrist wraps: 85/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 95/6*, 100/4*, 105/2*

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:35

The Feet Up Dead Stop Benches were much harder than expected. I dropped the planned weights some and still missed a couple of reps. But then CGBPs went well, so it was not me having an off day. But then, Rows also did not go well. But that was probably due to starting too heavy.


In the video, you hear a problem with using my phone for my workout music—I got a text, disrupting the music. If that were to happen in the middle of a hard rep, it could be quite distracting.

Music: Pandora – Christian Rap 



Thursday – 9/6/18

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Conv Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/11, 135/9, 185/7, add belt: 235/5, add sleeves: *285/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 305/6, 320/4, 335/2

Sumo Snatch Grip Deadlifts: [--/11, add sleeves: 135/9, 165/7, add belt: 195/5, 225/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 255/6, 270/4, 285/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:40

A good workout. But I think I need to work on keeping my butt down more on Conv DLs. I’m stiff-legging it a bit too much. Meanwhile, the SG Sumos are really tough.


Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore

Morning Workouts

Rotation I, Week B; Day 1

Sunday – 9/2/18

Heavy Bag (higher): 6:00 (minutes : seconds)

MG Super Curl Bar Preacher Curls: [35/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 42/12, 45/10, 47/8

Workout Time: 0:25 (hours : minutes)

The “higher” for the heavy bag indicates I am not using extending hooks to lower the bag somewhat, so the bag is a bit higher. This makes hitting it a bit more like an incline benches, while using the hooks make hitting it a bit like a decline bench. I will alternate week by week using and not using the hooks just for a bit of variety.


Rotation 1, Week B; Day 2

Monday – 9/3/18

Speed Extra Low Reverse Band Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 95/9, Bands: 135/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 145/9, 152/7, 160/5, 167/3

Bicycle Abs (amrap) 15, 15

Workout Time: 0:33


Rotation I, Week B; Day 3

Wednesday - 9/5/18

Speed Feet Up Dead Stop Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 45/9, 55/7[ (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 60/9, 65/7, 70/5, 75/3

Rotator Cuff:  Lying, up and down: [3.5/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 4.5/16, 4.75/14

Hand Gripper, holds (turns/secs): [2.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 4.0/12!, 4.5/10!, 5.0/8!

Workout Time: 0:31


Rotation 1, Week B; Day 4

Thursday – 9/6/18

Jump Conv Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Jump: 45/9, 55/7, (9, 7, 5, 3) 60/9, 65/7, 70/5, 75/3

Side Bends: [--/11, 25/9] (12, 10, 8) 35/12, 37/10, 40/no

Workout Time: 0:32

The Side Bends did not feel good at all. I could tell they would leave my obliques overly sore and adversely affect my afternoon Deadlift workout. As a result, I skipped the final set and will substitute leg curls here next time.

Week C

Bodyweight: 122.0 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 9/9/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Bar: Cambered Bar, Dumbbell Bars.

Cambered Bar Decline Bench: [35/15, 55/11, 709, 85/7, 100/5, add gear: 112/3] (6, 4, 2) 125/6, 130/4, 137/2

Dumbbell Standing Presses: [10s/9, 15s/7, 20s/5, add gear: 25s/3] (7, 5, 3) 27.5s/7, 29s/5, 30s/3

MG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 47/7, 57/5, 67/3] (7, 5, 3) 75/7, 80/5, 85/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:27

An easy workout, too easy in fact, even for a backoff workout. I should have increased the weights some, but I will have to just do so that much more for next time.


Music: Pandora – Secular Classic Hard Rock

Playing while I was doing all three sets of Rows was the world’s all-time greatest secular rock song. If you don’t recognize it in the video, there is something seriously wrong with you.



Monday – 9/10/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

Mantra Raw (high bar, close stance) Squats: [--/15, 45/11, 115/9, 145/7, add belt: 175/5, add sleeves: 205/3] (6, 4, 2) 225/6, 237/4, 250/2

Extra Low Squats: [--/15, 1a5/9, 145/7, add belt: 175/5, add sleeves: 205/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 225/6, 237/4, 250/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:49

I was really dragging for this workout, probably due to a new supplement I was trying out. I still managed to get my planned reps with my planned weights, but only because it was a backoff workout. But the workout did take too long.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2



Wednesday – 9/12/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.

Wide Grip Benches: [45/13, 65/9, 85/7, 100/5, add gear: 115/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 130/6, 137/4, 145/2

3-count Pause RB Benches: [bands: 85/9, 3-Count: 105/7, 120/5, add gear: 135/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 150/6, 157/4, 165/2

CG Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, add wrist wraps: 60/7, 75/5, 90/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 100/7, 105/5, 110/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:34

A good workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Classic Rock



Thursday – 9/13/18

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Sumo 3” Deficit Chain Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/11, 135/9, add chains: 225/7, add belt: 250/5, add sleeves: 275/3] (6, 4, 2) 300/6, 315/4, 330/2

Conv Stiff Leg Deadlifts: [--/11, 135/9, 155/7, add belt: 175/5, add sleeves: 195/3] (6, 4, 2) 215/6, 225/4, 235/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:45

A good workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Classic Rock

Morning Workouts

Rotation I, Week C; Day 1

Sunday – 9/9/18

Heavy Bag (higher): 7:00 (minutes : seconds)

CG Super Curl Bar Curls: add wrist wraps: [45/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 55/12, 57/10, 60/8

Workout Time: 0:27 (hours : minutes)


Rotation I, Week C; Day 2

Monday – 9/10/18

Extra Low Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 80/9, 90/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 100/9, 105/7, 110/5, 115/3

Rocking Standing DB Calves: [35/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 47.5/12, 50/10, 52.5/8

Workout Time: 0:39


Rotation I, Week C; Day 3

Wednesday – 9/12/18

Speed RB Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed, bands: 85/9, 100/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 110/9, 115/7, 120/5, 125/3

BB Reverse Curls: [45/9] 50/12, 52/10, 55/8

Workout Time: 0:35


Rotation I, Week C; Day 4

Thursday – 9/13/18

Speed Sumo One Chain 3” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 125/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 1 Chain: 165/9, 172/7, 180/5, 187/3

Dip Bar Twisting Leg Raises (legs together): [--s/01] (15-20, 10-15) --/15, --/13

Workout Time: 0:35

Week D


Bodyweight: 121.4 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 9/16/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

3 Count Pause Decline Benches: [45/15, 65/11, 80/9, pause: 95/7, 110/5, add gear: 125/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 140/6, 147/4, 155/2

CG Standing Presses: [45/9, 50/7, 55/5, add gear: 60/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 65/6, 70/4, 75/2

One-Arm DB Rows (Overhand): [35/9, 47/7, 57/5] (7, 5, 3) 65/7, 67/5, 70/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:26

A Good workout.


Music: Pandora –Christian Rap



Monday – 9/17/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

Squats with Sleeves: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 165/7, add belt: 195/5, add sleeves: 225/3] (6, 4, 2) 245/6, 257/4, 270/2

Bench Squats: [135/9, 175/7, add belt: 215/5, add sleeves: 250/3] (6, 4, 2) 280/6, 295/4, 310/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:29

Continuing the pattern before my recent contest, I did not sleep well the night before this workout. In fact, I felt absolutely awful. But somehow, thank God, I got all of my planned reps. However, that was only because this was still a backoff workout. But if such difficulties continue next week when I get back into hard training, then it could be very problematic.


Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore



Wednesday – 9/19/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Cambered Bar Power Bar, Dumbbell.

Benches: [45/15, 65/9, 85/7, 100/5, add gear: 115/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 130/6, 137/4, 145/2

Dumbbell Benches (alternate arms): [30s/9, 35s/7, 40s/5, add gear: 45s/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 50s/7, 52s/5, 55s/3

MG Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5, 90/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 100/7, 105/5, 110/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:28

A good workout. It helped that I finally got a really good night of sleep.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2



Thursday – 9/20/18

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Sumo Deadlifts: [45/11, 135/9, 185/7, add belt: 235/5, add sleeves: 285/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 315/6, 332/4, 350/2

Conv 3” Deficit Reverse Band Deadlifts: [135/9, 185/7, add belt: 235/5, add sleeves: 285/3] (6, 4, 2) 315/6, 332/4, 350/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:40

This was my last workout in my four-week post-contest backoff period. I will start back with my normal high intensity training on Sunday. I am looking forward to it!


Music: Pandora – Christian Rap

During the first recorded set, you hear the song I reference in my politics article Confirmation Proceedings for Judge Kavanaugh: Part Three (Events Regarding the Sexual Assault Allegation).

The song is by Flame. It had a line that stuck out to me, “He carried the cross on His shoulders, so you can start over.” The song on the second set is also interesting. It is by P.O.D. and is about school shootings. I address all of the subjects indicated here in my two volume set God’s Sex Plan.



Morning Workouts

Rotation I, Week D; Day 1

Sunday – 9/16/18

Heavy Bag: 7:30 (minutes : seconds)

Dumbbell Curls (alternate arms): [10s/9] (12, 10, 8) 15s/12, 16.5s/10, 17.5s/8

Workout Time: 0:22 (hours : minutes) 

I’m not going to bother alternating having my heavy bag higher and lower, as the “higher” is a bit awkward, and it really is not necessary. Doing so would only make if I was hitting the heavy bag tw3ice a week, here and on Bench days.


Rotation I, Week D; Day 2

Monday – 9/17/18

Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 85/9, 100/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 110/9, 115/7, 120/5, 125/3

Decline Sit-ups: [10/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 16.25/12, 17.5/10, 18.75/8

Workout Time: 0:33


Rotation I, Week D; Day 3

Wednesday – 9/19/18

Speed Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 55/9, 65/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 75/9, 80/7, 85/5, 90/3

Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Horn (alternate arms): [5.0/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 6.5/16, 6.75/14

Hand Gripper (turns/reps): [3.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 5.5/12, 6.0/10, 6.5/8

Workout Time: 0:33


Rotation I, Week D; Day 4

Thursday – 9/20/17

Speed Sumo Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 130/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 137/9, 145/7, 152/5, 160/3

Lying Leg Curls (one leg at a time): [2.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 4.0/12, 4.25/10, 4.5/8

Workout Time: 0:34


Rotation II


Week A

Bodyweight: 119.6 pounds

Bench Assistance

Sunday – 9/23/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar.

3-Count Pause One-Chain Decline Bench: [45/15, 65/9, Chains, 3-Count: 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 125/3] (6, 4, 2) 140/6, 147/4, 155/2

WG Standing Presses: [45/9, 52/7, 57/5, add gear: 62/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 67/6, 72/4, 80*/2

CG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 45/7, 55/5, 65/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 72/7, 80/5, 85/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:36

This workout went well, but it was a bit too easy for what was supposed to be my first workout back to hard training. The reason for that is, the last time I did this workout, it was my first workout post-contest. As a result, everything felt heavy, so I did not increase the weight very much for this workout. But now that I am fully recovered from the contest, those slight increases were not enough to make this a high-intensity workout.

The final set of Presses was a misload, as I put a 2-1/2 on the right side that I shouldn’t have. But in a way, that was good, as despite the imbalance, the set was still a bit too easy even with the extra 2-1/2 pounds. Then on Rows, after the first set was too easy, I increased by a 2-1/2 pounds more than I had planned on for the next two sets, and that made them close to the intensity I wanted. I should have done the same of the first two exercises.


Music: Pandora – Secular Modern Hard Rock



Monday – 9/24/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

3-Count Pause Squats: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 3-Count: 165/7, add belt: 190/5, add sleeves: 205/3] (6, 4, 2) 230/6, 242/4, 255/2

Olympic (Extra Low Close Stance) Squats: [--/11, 115/9, 145/7, add belt: 170/5, add sleeves: 195/3] (6, 4, 2) 215/6, 225/4, 235/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:44

A good workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2



Wednesday – 9/26/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bars: Cambered Bar, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.

Cambered Bar Benches: [35/13, 55/11, 70/9, 85/7, 100/5, add gear: 115/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 130/6, 137/4, 145/2

Rack Benches: [95/9, 110/7, 125/5, add gear: 137/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 150/6, 157/4, 165/2

One-Arm DB Rows (Parallel Grip): [30/9, 40/7, 47/5, 55/3] (7, 5, 3) 62/7, 65/5, 67/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:36

Another good workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1



Thursday – 9/27/18

Gear: Crain power belt; Ace: knee sleeves; APT: wrist bands.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Conv 2-1/4” Deficit Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/11, 135/9, 175/7, add belt: 215/5, add sleeves: 255/3] (6, 4, 2) 285/6, 305/4, 325/2

Sumo 2-1/4” Block Pulls: [Regular: --/11, Blocks: 135/9, 180/7, add belt: 225/5, add sleeves: 265/3] (6, 4, 2) 295/6, 315/4, 330/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:38

This was the best I felt for a workout since my contest back on August 18, so it took six weeks to get back into the full swing of things. I even increased the weights more than I planned from last time. God-willing, hopefully I can keep it going from here out.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1


Morning Workouts


Rotation II, Week A; Day 1

Sunday – 9/23/18

Heavy Bag (lower): 8:00 (minutes : seconds)

MG Super Curl Bar Curls [42.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) add wrist wraps: 52.5/12, 55/10, 57.5/8

Workout Time: 0:28 (hours : minutes)


Rotation II, Week A; Day 2

Monday – 9/24/18

Jump Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Jump: 45/9, 60/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 72/9, 77/7, 82/5, 87/3

Standing Barbell Calves: [125/9] (12, 10, 8) 140/12, 147/10, 155/8

Workout Time: 0:36


Rotation II, Week A; Day 3

Wednesday – 9/26/18

Speed Dead Stop Cambered Bar Benches: [Regular: 35/15, 55/11, Speed: 55/9, 62/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 67/9, 70/7, 72/5, 75/3

MG Reverse CB Preacher Curls: [42/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 52/12, 55/10, 57/8

Workout Time: 0:30


Rotation II, Week A; Day 4

Thursday – 9/27/18

Speed Conv Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 125/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 130/9, 135/7, 142/5, 150/3

Adductors/ Abductors (alternate legs): [3s/11] (2 x 15-20, 10-15) 6s/15, 8s/10

Workout Time: 0:35

Week B

Bodyweight: 120.8 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 9/30/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Dumbbell Bars, Heavy Duty Power Bar, Cambered Bar.

Dumbbell Decline Bench: [20s/15, 30s/9, 37s/7, 45s/5, add gear: 55s/3] (7, 5, 3) 60s/7, 62s/5, 65s/3

MG Standing Presses: [45/9, 52/7, 60/5, add gear: 65/3] (6, 4, 2) 70/6, 75/4, 80/4, 85/2

WG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 47/7, 60/5, 72/3] (7, 5, 3) 80/7, 85/5, 90/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:43

A good workout, despite once again being distracted by work issues. The Presses were so easy, I did an extra set. That might have been because I changed into my Adipowers for them. Those provide a much better base than my sneakers. I hadn’t been bothering to change into them, but since they are made for Olympic lifting, it makes sense to use them for Presses.

On the Rows, I forgot I was supposed to use a wide grip and used a medium grip for all of my warmups. But then I realized the mistake before my first work set. Not being fully warmed up for the wider grip is probably why I wasn’t able to pull the bar fully to my chest for those sets.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2



Monday – 10/1/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps, Genesis 2.0 meter knee wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

Extra Low Reverse Band (#4, average) Squats: [--/13, 65/11, add bands: 155/9, 185/7, add belt: 215/5, add sleeves: 245/3] (6, 4, 2) 275/6, 290/4, 305/2

Squats with Sleeves: [45/11, 135/9, 165/7, add belt: 195/3, add sleeves: 215/3] (6, 4, 2) 235/6, 247/4, 260/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:43

Another very good workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Rap



Wednesday – 10/3/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.

Feet Up Dead Stop Benches: [regular: 45/13, 65/9, feet up, dead stop: 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 120/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 135/6, 140/4, 147/2

3 Count Pause Close Grip Benches: [65/9, 3-count: 80/7, 95/5, add gear: 110/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 125/6, 132/4, 140/2

WG Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 60/7, 75/5, add wrist wraps: 85/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 95/7, 100/5, 105/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:37

This workout went much better than last time, probably because I felt much better.


I only recorded the final set of the first exercise but my normal two sets for the next two exercises.

Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore



Thursday – 10/4/18

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Conv Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/11, 135/9, 185/7, add belt: 235/5, add sleeves: 285/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 315/6, 330/4, 345/2

Sumo Snatch Grip Deadlifts: [--/11, add sleeves: 135/9, 170/7, add belt: 205/5, 245/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 265/6, 280/4, 295/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:35

Another very good workout.


The video is messed up. I guess something was on the lens.

Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1


Morning Workouts

Rotation II, Week B; Day 1

Sunday – 9/30/18

Heavy Bag (higher): 8:30 (minutes : seconds)

MG Super Curl Bar Preacher Curls: [35/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 45/12, 47.5/10, 50/8

Workout Time: 0:25 (hours : minutes)


Rotation 1I, Week B; Day 2

Monday – 10/1/18

Speed Extra Low Reverse Band Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 95/9, Bands: 135/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 150/9, 157/7, 165/5, 172/3

Bicycle Abs (amrap) 18, 18

Workout Time: 0:31


Rotation II, Week B; Day 3

Wednesday - 10/3/18

I missed this workout for various reasons.


Rotation 1I, Week B; Day 4

Thursday – 10/4/18

Jump Conv Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Jump: 45/9, 55/7, (9, 7, 5, 3) 65/9, 70/7, 75/5, 80/3

Hyperextensions: [--/9] (12, 10, 8) 2.5/12, 3.75/10, 5.0/8

Workout Time: 0:27

Week C

Bodyweight: 122.0 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 10/7/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Cambered Bar, Dumbbell Bars.

Cambered Bar Decline Bench: [35/15, 55/11, 709, 85/7, 100/5, add gear: 115/3] (6, 4, 2) 130/6^, 137/4^, 145/2^

Dumbbell Standing Presses: [10s/9, 17.5s/7, 22.5s/5, add gear: 27.5s/3] (7, 5, 3) 30s/7, 31.5s/5, 32.5s/3

MG Cambered Bar Rows: [35/9, 50/7, 60/5, 70/3] (7, 5, 3) 80/7, 85/5, 90/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:38

A good workout.


Music: Pandora –Christian Classic Rock



Monday – 10/8/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

Mantra Raw (high bar, close stance) Squats: [--/15, 45/11, 120/9, 150/7, add belt: 180/5, add sleeves: 210/3] (6, 4, 2) 235/6, 247/4, 260/2

Extra Low Squats: [--/15, 115/9, 145/7, add belt: 175/5, add sleeves: 205/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 230/6, 242/4, 255/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:39

A good workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 2



Wednesday – 10/10/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Curl Bar.

Wide Grip Benches: [45/13, 65/9, 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 120/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 135/6, 142/4, 150/2

3-Count Pause RB Benches: [bands: 85/9, 3-Count: 105/7, 125/5, add gear: 140/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 155/6, 162/4, 170/2

CG Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, add wrist wraps: 65/7, 80/5, 95/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 105/7^, 110/5^, 115/3^

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:33

Another very god workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore



Thursday – 10/11/18

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Sumo 3” Deficit Chain Deadlifts: [--/13, 45/11, 135/9, add chains: 225/7, add belt: 255/5, add sleeves: 285/3] (6, 4, 2) 315/6, 332/4, 350/2

Conv Stiff Leg Deadlifts: [--/11, 135/9, 155/7, add belt: 175/5, add sleeves: 195/3] (7, 5, 3) 215/7, 227/5, 240/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:35

Another good workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian Rap


Morning Workouts

Rotation II, Week C; Day 1

Sunday – 10/7/18

Heavy Bag (higher): 9:00 (minutes : seconds)

CG Super Curl Bar Curls: add wrist wraps: [47.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 57.5/12, 60/10, 62.5/8

Workout Time: 0:31 (hours : minutes)


Rotation II, Week C; Day 2

Monday – 10/8/18

Extra Low Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 80/9, 95/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 105/9, 110/7, 115/5, 120/3

Rocking Standing DB Calves: [40/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 50/12, 52.5/10, 55/8

Workout Time: 0:37


Rotation II, Week C; Day 3

Wednesday – 10/10/18

Speed RB Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed, bands: 85/9, 105/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 115/9, 120/7, 125/5, 130/3

BB Reverse Curls: [45/9] 52.5/12, 54/10, 56.5/8

Workout Time: 0:34


Rotation II, Week C; Day 4

Thursday – 10/11/18

Speed Sumo One Chain 3” Deficit Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 135/7] (9, 7, 5, 3) 1 Chain: 170/9, 177/7, *195/5, 202/3

Dip Bar Twisting Leg Raises (legs together): [--/10] (15-20, 10-15) --/18, --/15

Workout Time: 0:33

I got confused on the weight for the third of speed deadlifts due to using 35s rather than boards for the deficit. As a result, I overloaded. But the set went okay, so I went with it for the next set.

Week D

Week D of 2018-19 Tetra #1 Powerlifting Training Plan, Rotation II of VI


Bodyweight: 122.8 pounds.


Bench Assistance

Sunday – 10/14/18

Gear: Crain power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Coleman sneakers, Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar, Dumbbell Bar.

3 Count Pause Decline Benches: [45/15, 65/11, 85/9, pause: 100/7, 115/5, add gear: 130/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 145/6, 152/4, 157*/2

CG Standing Presses: [45/9, 52/7, 60/5, add gear: 65/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 70/6, 75/4, 80/2

One-Arm DB Rows (Overhand): [35/9, 47/5, 55/5, 62/3] (7, 5, 3) 67/7, 70/5, 72/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:33

I misloaded on the final set of Declines, I noticed it but kept going. In the video, you see me looking to the right after the set, thinking that was the side of the misload, with too much weight. But to my chagrin, I omitted a 2-1/2 on the other side. Otherwise, this was a good workout.


In the video, on the first set of Presses, it goes dark. That was due to once again the light cord getting caught by the bar. I need to throw the cord up over my power rack when doing presses but keep forgetting.

Music: Pandora –Christian Classic Rock



Monday – 10/15/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps; APT heavy knee sleeves.

Shoes: Dexter boots.

Bar: Heavy Duty Power Bar.

Squats with Sleeves: [--/13, 65/11, 135/9, 170/7, add belt: 200/5, add sleeves: 230/3] (6, 4, 2) 255/6, 267/4, 280/2

Bench Squats: [135/9, 185/7, add belt: 225/5, add sleeves: 260/3] (6, 4, 2) 290/6, 305/4, 320/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:32

A very good workout. Only thing is the bench forces me to use a slightly wider stance than usual, and my tender right adductor was bothering me a bit afterwards. It was fine after icing it, but I am not sure if I will keep doing Bench Squats or not.


Music: Pandora – Christian Modern Hard Rock 1



Wednesday – 10/17/18

Gear: Crain: power belt, Genesis wrist wraps.

Shoes: Adidas AdiPower lifting shoes.

Bar: Cambered Bar Power Bar, Dumbbell.

Benches: [45/15, 65/9, 85/7, 105/5, add gear: 120/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 135/6, 142/4, 150/2

Dumbbell Benches (alternate arms): [30s/9, 37s/7, 42s/5, add gear: 47s/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 52s/7, 55s/5, 57s/3

MG Curl Bar Rows: [45/9, 65/7, 80/5, 95/3] (6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 105/7, 110/5, 115/3

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:36

A very good workout. The weights even felt a bit light.


Music: Pandora – Christian Metalcore



Thursday – 10/18/18

Gear: Crain power belt; APT: wrist bands; Ace knee sleeves.

Shoes: Nike wrestling shoes.

Bar: Ohio Deadlift Bar.

Sumo Deadlifts: [--/51, 135/9, 195/7, add belt: 245/5, add sleeves: 295/3] (5-6, 3-4, 1-2) 325/6, 342/4, 360/2

Conv 3” Deficit Reverse Band Deadlifts: [135/9, 195/7, add belt: 245/5, add sleeves: 295/3] (6, 4, 2) 325/6, 342/4, 360/2

Stretching: ~5 minutes

Workout time: 1:40

An excellent workout.


Music: Pandora – Christian White Metal 2


Morning Workouts

Rotation II, Week D; Day 1

Sunday – 10/14/18

Heavy Bag: 9:30 (minutes : seconds)

Dumbbell Curls (alternate arms): [10s/9] (12, 10, 8) 16.5s/12, 17.5s/10, 19s/8

Workout Time: 0:26 (hours : minutes)


Rotation II, Week D; Day 2

Monday – 10/15/18

Speed Squats: [Regular: --/15, 65/11, Speed: 85/9, 100/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 115/9, 120/7, 125/5, 130/3

Decline Sit-ups: [10/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 17.5/12, 18.75/10, 20/8

Workout Time: 0:33


Rotation II, Week D; Day 3

Wednesday – 10/17/18

Speed Benches: [Regular: 45/15, 65/11, Speed: 60/9, 70/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 80/9, 85/7, 90/5, 95/3

Rotator Cuff: Shoulder Horn (alternate arms): [5.0/11] (2 x 15-16, 13-14) 6.75/16, 7.0/14

Hand Gripper (turns/reps): [4.0/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 6.0/12, 6.5/10, 7.0/8

Workout Time: 0:34


Rotation II, Week D; Day 4

Thursday – 10/18/17

Speed Sumo Deadlifts: [Regular: --/15, 45/11, Speed: 115/9, 135/7] (4 x 8-9, 6-7, 4-5, 2-3) 145/9, 152/7, 160/7*^, 167/5^, 175/3

Lying Leg Curls (one leg at a time): [2.5/9] (3 x 11-12, 9-10, 7-8) 4.25/12, 4.5/10, 4.75/8

Workout Time: 0:35

 I inadvertently did too many reps on the third set of Speed Deadlifts. But that was because they were too easy, so I did an extra set.

These workout logs are continued at: 2018-19 Tetra #1 Powerlifting Training Plan; Rotations III and IV of VI.

2018-19 Tetra #1 Powerlifting Training Plan; Rotations I and II of VI. Copyright © 2018 by Gary F. Zeolla.

Powerlifting and Strength Training
Powerlifting and Strength Training: Full Workout Logs: 2018 - Present

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