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Analytical-Literal Translation

Errata for First Edition of the ALT:
Corrections Since Publication

Matthew to Acts


1:1 - bracket "the" before "genealogy"

1:20 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

1:20 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"

1:24 - change "awaken" to "awakened"

1:24 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

2:1 - "[or, Magi]" - add "and in verses 7,16"

2:11 - change "prostrate" to "prostrated"

3:11 - after "in" add "[or, with]" (before "[the] Holy Spirit")

4:7 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

4:10 - bracket "The" before "LORD"

6:8 - change "your Father" to "your* Father"

8:20 Son of Humanity does have [any]where // Son of Humanity does not have [any]where - 2/1/10

9:12 - after "strong" add "[fig., who are healthy]"

10:2 - after "James" add "the"

10:10 - change "staff" to "staffs"

11:14 - change "Mal 3:1" to "Mal 4:5"

12:28 - bracket "the" before "Spirit"

12:41 - add cross reference "[see Jonah 3:5]"

13:3 - change "[seeds]" to "[seed]"

13:56 - remove extra "[or,"

14:4 - change “It is not lawful to you for be having her!” to “[It is] not lawful to [or, for] you to be having her!” 

15:20 - bracket "ritually"

15:31 - change - "seeing mute ones speaking, crippled [ones made] whole, [the] lame [ones] walking and [the] blind [ones] seeing," to "seeing [the] mute speaking, crippled [ made] whole, lame walking, and blind seeing;"

16:17 - change "Father, the [one]" to "Father, the [One]"

18:8 - change "cast from" to "cast [it] from"

18:19 - change "to them" to "to [or, for] them"

19:5 - italicize OT quote

20:15 - after "the [things] of me" add "[fig. my own money]"

20:16 - change "will the last" to "the last will"

21:1 - change " Bethphage" to "Bethsphage" (textual variant between MT vs. TR/CT)

21:9 -  bracket "the" before "name" 

21:9 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

21:42 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

22:29 - change "go astray" to "are led astray" (passive voice)

22:37 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

22:43 - bracket "the" before "Spirit"

23:39 - bracket "the" before "name"

23:39 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

24:15  - bracket "the" before "holy place"

24:39 - add cross reference "[see Gen 6:5-8, 7:1-24]"

25:7 - The comma at the end of the verse should be a period.

25:9 - change "for you" to "for you*"

25:14 - change "[the kingdom of heaven is]" to [the kingdom of the heavens is]"

25:15 - add "i.e." before "Greek coins"

25:35 - capitalize me" before "[something] to drink"

26:65 - Delete quotation mark before "What"

27:10 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

28:1 - after "went" add "[or, came]"

28:2 - bracket "the" before "Lord"


1:4 - change "for [or, because of]" to "to [or, for; or, because of]"

2:17 - after "strong" add "[fig., who are healthy]"

3:23 - delete "the" before second "Satan"

5:11 - bold verse number (a new paragraph)

5:18 - bold verse number (a new paragraph)

5:21 - capitalize "him"

6:3 - capitalize "brother" (a reference to Jesus)

7:33 - capitalize "his" before "fingers" (i.e. "His fingers")

9:13 - add quotation mark at beginning of verse

11:1 - change "Bethphage" to "Bethsphage" (textual variant between MT vs. TR/CT)

11:9 - bracket "the" before "name"

11:9 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

11:10 - add quotation mark at beginning of verse

11:10 - bracket "the" before "name"

11:10 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

12:11 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

12:21,22,23 - add quotation mark at beginning of each verse

12:24 - change "go astray" to "are led astray" (passive voice)

12:27 - change "[fig.,  misled]" to "[fig.,  mistaken]" (same word as in 12:24)

12:29 - bracket "The" before "LORD"

12:29 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

12:30 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

13:11 - change "[you]" to "[you*]" (the associated participle is plural)

13:21 - change "Look there!" to "Look! There!" (to parallel preceding phrase)

14:49 - change "but_" to "_but_"

16:2 - after "come" add "[or, go]"


1:11 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

1:16 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

1:17 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

1:32 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

1:38 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

1:45 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

1:47 - delete quotation mark at beginning of verse (sentence continued from previous verse)

1:55 - delete quotation mark at beginning of verse (sentence continued from previous verse)

1:55 - add "to" before "her house"

1:58 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

2:7 - change "inn" to "guest room [or, inn]." Note: The same word is used in Mark 14:14 and Luke 22:1 where it is translated as "guest room." And a separate word means "inn" [e.g. Luke 10:34]. However, the word used in Luke 2:7 can mean "inn" as well.

2:9 - bracket "the" before "Lord" (twice)

3:4 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

3:9 - change "also already the axe is" to "also the axe is already"

4:1 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"

4:8 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

4:12 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

4:19 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

4:29 - change "thrown" to throw"

5:31 - change "well" to "healthy"

8:5 - add comma between "sowing" and "some"

8:18 - change "shall not having" to "shall not be having" 

8:27 - add second figurative translation - "[fig., was possessed by; or oppressed by]"

9:36 - change "hade" to "had"

9:39 - delete "is" before "tears"

10:16 - change "the rejecting" to "the one rejecting"

10:27 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

12:2 - change "will not made" to "will not be made"

12:58 - change "an settlement" to "a settlement"

13:34 - change "did want" to "did not want"

13:35 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

14:27 - delete "being" before "able"

15:5 - change "A having" to "And having"

16:4 - change "known" to "knew [fig., figured out]"

16:28 - add underscore after "_they" (i.e. "_they_")

17:13 - capitalize "master" (reference to Jesus)

17:27 - add cross reference "[see Gen 6:5-8, 7:1-24]"

17:29 - add cross reference "[see Gen 19:1-38]"

17:32 - add cross reference "[see Gen 19:26]"

18:15 - change "young children" to 'babies" (for consistency with translation elsewhere, and to distinguish from the different word used in 18:16-17)

19:17  - change "A he" to "And he"

20:3 - change "_I" to "_I_"

20:18 - bracket "one" (i.e. "Every[ one]")

22:19 - delete asterisk after "behalf"

22:39 - after "according" add "to"

23:30 delete the "4" after "[Hosea 10:8]"

23:53 - change "laying" to "lying"

24:1 - after "came" add "[or, went]"

24:13 - change "distant" to "distance"


3:11 - all occurrences of "we" should be capitalized

3:30 - change "to becoming less." to "to be becoming less [or, to be decreasing]."

4:27 - change "And upon this came His disciples" to "And upon this [or, at this [point]] His disciples came"

4:35 - change period after "comes" to a question mark

5:7 - change "person, that" to "person that,"

6:1 - capitalize "sea"

6:52 - change "disputing" to " fighting [fig., arguing angrily]"

6:60 - change "many having heard from His disciples" to "many from His disciples having heard"

6:71 - delete "up" after "Him"

7:27 - change "the Christ when He comes" to "when the Christ shall come" (subjunctive mood)

7:31 change "comes" to "shall come" (subjunctive mood)

7:39 - after "which" add "[or, whom]"

7:39 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"

8:3 - change "the midst" to "the middle [of them]" (same word as in 20:19)

8:59 - add cross reference "[cp. Luke 24:16; John 12:36]"

9:24 - bold verse number (a new paragraph)

11:4 - change "[is]" to "[it is]"

11:37 - change "open" to "opened"

12:13 - bracket "the" before "name"

12:13 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

12:38 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

13:21 - change "in the spirit" to "in the [or, His] spirit"

17:25 - change "Righteous Father indeed" to "O Righteous Father! Indeed"

18:23 - change "the region of Galatia" to "the Galatian region"

18:28 - add change "[or, Praetorium]" to "[or, Praetorium, and in 18:33; 19:9]

18:28 - change "that so" to "so that"

18:38 - change "[or, no guilt]" to "[or, no guilt; and in 19:9]"

20:1 - after "goes" add "[or, comes]"

20:2 - capitalize "him" at end of verse

20:17 - bracket "to" before "My God" and delete "to" before "your* God" (i.e. "[to] My God and your* God")

20:22 - bracket "the" before " Holy Spirit"

23:3 - change "stuck" to struck"


1:1 - add cross reference "[see Luke 1:1-3]"

1:5 - add alternative translation "[or, with]" after second "in"

1:8 - delete quotation mark at beginning of verse (sentence continued from previous verse)

2:2 - after "house" add "[i.e. possibly the temple]" - and at end of verse add "[cp. Luke 19:45-46; Acts 7:47]"

2:12 - change "to another one" to "another to another [or, to one another]"

2:34 - capitalize "lord"

2:39 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

2:41 - change "receive" to "received"

3:22 - bracket "The" before "LORD"

4:7 - add "[of them]" after "middle"

4:20 - move "be" to outside and after the bracket

4:31 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"

5:9 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

5:19 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

7:19 - change "infants" to 'babies" (for consistency with translation of word elsewhere)

7:30 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

7:49 - bracket "the" before "LORD"

8:17 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"

8:33 - change apostrophe at beginning of verse to a quotation mark

8:33 - capitalize "his" before "justice"

8:39 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

9:24 - delete redundant "that"  (i.e. "in order that they")

11:16 - add alternative translation "[or, with]" after second "in"

11:16 - bracket "the" before "Holy Spirit"

11:28 - after "being" add "about"

12:7 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

12:11 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

12:23 - change "stuck" to "struck"

12:23 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

13:10 - change "way to "ways"

13:10 - bracket "the" before "Lord"

13:17 - omit "Israel" (appears in the TR and CT but not in the MT)

13:42 - change "Then [Paul and Barnabas]" to "Then they [i.e. Paul and Barnabas]"

13:46 - change "[fig., rejected it]" to "[fig., reject it]"

13:51 - add "[or, from]" after "of"

15:14  - after “Simon" add "[i.e. Peter]"

15:38 - add cross reference "[see Acts 13:13]"

15:39 - add cross reference "[cp. 2Timothy 4:11]"

16:25 - change "praying, were singing" to "[were] praying [and] were singing"

16:29 - add "[fig., torch]" after "light"

18:24 - change "a native of Alexandrian" to "a native of Alexandria"

19:15 - change "who are you" to "who are you*"

20:10 - move comma from after "gone" to after "down" [i.e. "gone down,"]

20:32 - after "brothers" add "[and sisters]"

22:13 - delete bracket after first "sight"

25:8 - add "[while he was]" before "speaking"

25:16 - change "[fig., meets]" to "[fig., may meet]"

26:11 - after "outer" add "[fig., foreign]"

26:16 - change "[or, will be shown]" to "[fig., I will reveal]"

27:15 - add "able" after "being"

This list of corrections is continued at ALT Errata: Romans to Philemon.

Scripture taken from the Analytical-Literal Translation of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1999-2001 by Gary F. Zeolla of Darkness to Light ministry (www.zeolla.org/christian).

The above errata list was posted on this Web site October 11, 2001.
It was last updated February 1, 2010.

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